Chapter 25- Routine and Truth

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Chapter Twenty Five- Routine and Truth

*Zayn's POV*

"Liam can you pass me that bottle?" Louis asks looking more exhausted then he did before we sent him to bed.

"Lou, you're supposed to be resting." I tell him.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't sleep and neither could Little Tiny Tommy Tommo, and he stared to get fussy while I was playing with him, so I thought he might need a bottle." Louis explains becoming emotional as Tommy starts to cry. "Please Li? I can't take more crying!"

"Here Lou." Liam smiles handing him a bottle.

"Thanks." Louis smiles attempting to feed the fussy child as he sits on the couch. When he refuses and starts to crying harder, causing Louis to start to cry. "Damn it! Liam!"

"Oh lookie here." Harry smiles, rushing into the room and over to Louis who is rocking Tommy. "There's my big boy and his daddy."

"Harry!" Louis gives out a desperate plea.

"What seams to be the matter?" Harry asks kneeling no front of them.

"He won't eat and he's crying and I'm crying, and I don't know what's going on with me!" Louis cries. "Take him please!"

"Okay, okay." Harry soothes, gently and carefully scooping up the the screaming infant. "Come here Thomas. Tell Daddy what's wrong." Harry rocks the baby for a moment then nods starts making sounds like he's actually listening and understanding the child's cries. "Huh, I see, well, I'll just warm that up for you."

"What he say?" Louis asks playing along, tears still in his eyes.

"He wants his bottle warmed up." Harry smiles.

"Of course." Louis smiles standing and rubbing the still crying infant's head. "He loves warm milk."

"Where you going?" Harry asks resting his arm holding Tommy on his extended stomach.

"To warm up his bottle silly." Louis smiles.

"I'm in the kitchen Lou." I say. "I can do it."

"Nah it's okay." Louis smiles.

"How's Niall?" Liam asks Harry as he rocks the baby.

"I'd say he's better." Harry nods. "I mean we've been snuggling this whole time, so... That's good. He sent me out here when we heard Tommy crying. Once he calms down a bit, I'm going to take him in there to say hi."

"Good idea." I nod.

"I'm going to go talk to Niall really fast, can you finish up for me Liam?" Louis ask.

"Sure Lou." Liam says slowly moving over to the bottle heater as Louis walks toward the room where Niall is currently hiding away in.

"Hazza, you are dork." I chuckle as he uses his bump as a resting place for Tommy.

"Well it is holding one baby, might as well hold two." Harry shrugs.

"You're adorable." Liam smiles handing him a bottle. "Here."

"Thank you daddy." Harry says. "Now Thomas, let's eat, shall we?"

After feeding him, Harry burbs Tommy then he sits at the counter. Resting his arm with Tommy in it on the counter top as he steadies himself on the stool I begin to laugh.

"Zayn?" Liam asks looking up from his phone, concerned about something. He's probably ready hate or something like that.

"What?" I ask, still chuckling.

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