Chapter 26- Fighting and Showers

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Fighting and Showers-Chapter Twenty Six

*Niall's POV*

After the boys and I found out we were going to have to start doing promoting again, meaning: long days and traveling, we were not too happy, to say the least. Then when they found out I had been accepted into a University and didn't tell them, then took time off and didn't tell them... After they were done being proud of me for being smart or whatever, or maybe after it sunk in that I had been keeping something from them, they where pretty angry.

Many fights and arguments have occurred over the past few weeks... well week and a half. Though it feels as though it has been over a month.

Most of the fights are because of stupid comments or just idiotic reasons, but with all the stress of packing and trying to figure out how to handle Tommy through the traveling and with the fans... there is a lot of tension in the house.

"Niall how could you keep something like this from us?" Harry asks bringing up the subject as we eat.

"Quite easily, I guess." I shrug. "It wasn't that big of a deal..."

"But why?" Liam asks.

"Why what?" I ask taking another bite of food.

"Why would you hide this from us?" Liam asks looking down at his food.

"Oh... umm... I don't know." I mumble moving beans around my plate.

"Niall, how can you not know?" Harry asks.

"Harry, don't start this again." Louis sighs. "It's getting old."

"No!" Harry yells. "What's getting old is him not telling us anything!"

"He will tell us when he is ready!" Liam scolds.

"He is sitting right here." I mumble loudly.

"Oh look he speaks." Harry throws at me.

"Harold!" Louis scolds.

"Okay, yes Niall doesn't share everything, but he doesn't have to give us a reason for it." Liam says. "It would be nice if he told us somethings, but we can't get mad at him when he doesn't."

"Why the hell not?" Harry asks. "He-"

"Is sitting right here." I tell them.

"I just don't get it!" Harry yells. "Why can't you just-"

"STOP!" Zayn yells a crying baby in arms. "You guys, it's our last night at home, and you are fighting, again, it's scaring Tommy. Just stop it! It's stupid and who cares? Honestly, Niall had good reasons not to tell us, we would have freaked out, probably pressured him to keep going or quite earlier, and why does he have to justify himself to us? Isn't he safe with us? Aren't we all safe with each other? No madder what, right? So just stop and enjoy dinner, probably the last dinner we will eat as our little family, just us and Tommy, here at the house, for what I predict is the last time, before another baby comes. Don't you want to enjoy that? If not then just stop fighting for me and Tommy."

A chorus of "Sorry" Comes from all of us, as we begin eating again.

It is quite for a while once Tommy calms down. Then Louis starts talking.

"So Shay will be coming around six thirty." Louis says. "Kelly is coming a while after that."

"She brining Stephen?" I ask.

"Yep." Louis smiles.

"Good." Zayn says. "I can't wait for movie night."

"Yeah." Harry smiles.

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