Chapter 22 - Actions and Reactions

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Chapter Twenty Two - Actions and Reactions

*Harry's POV*

"After everything that went on I still feel guilty about accusing Louis and Zayn of smoking and putting our children in danger. I guess after we lost Little Liam and almost lost Niall, I want to make sure I don't lose anyone else. I really didn't mean to act the way I did, I just... freaked. I wasn't really thinking, all I... That's no excuse. I'm a horrible person! Mum! What if they still hate me?" Tears are now falling freely from my eyes.

"Harry, that was almost two weeks ago, I'm sure they forgive you." My mum says over the phone as I walk down the cookie section. I've been craving Oreos lately. "This is probably just a mood swing Harry."

"I don't care if I'm just over reacting, what do I do?" I ask looking at all the flavours of Oreos." I sigh and wipe my eyes on my sleeve. "Why are there so many flavours?"

"What honey?" Mum asks.

"Oh I'm looking at Oreos." I sigh again putting a hand on my stomach.

"Child, what am I going to do with you?" Mum asks laughing. "You switch topics faster than Stephen."

"I know." I say smiling as I see Zayn and Liam walking to me. "Hey, can I call you back?"

"Of course." Mum says.

"Okay, love you." I say with a smile.

"Love you too, tell the boys I love them too." She says.

"Will do." I tell her before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Liam asks.

"My mum." I tell him. "Apparently, I was having a mood swing, according to her at least."

"Are you okay now?" Zayn asks looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, just trying to choose Oreos." I say looking back at the wall of cookies. "It's just so damn frustrating!"

"Babe, just wait for Niall, he'll help you." Liam smiles putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I guess." I sigh, leaning my head on his chest. "Where is the Leppercon? And Louis?"

"Louis had to pee, didn't want to go alone." Zayn says. "Niall went with him... he had this distant..."

"Look in his eyes?" I finish for him, Zayn and Liam both nod. "Yeah, I've noticed that a lot lately."

"He's worrying me, more than usual." Liam says.

"I know me too." I agree.

"Shh... here they come." Zayn warns.

"I just can't pick!" I wine.

"Don't worry Haz, Niall will help when he gets here." Liam says following my lead.

"Speak of the devil." I say turning to see him and Louis.

"Excuse me bitch." Louis laughs. "I am an angel! Thank you very much!"

"Nialler help!" I wine walking over to him.

"What's wrong Haz?" He asks.

"I can't chose a cookie!" I say over dramatically.

"Hazza, when in doubt, go with original." Niall smiles pulling a package off the shelf. "How's that sound?"

"That sounds great, actually." I say a bit surprised that I don't want some outrageous flavour.

"Okay then." Niall smiles.

"Are we almost finished?" Louis asks like a little kid. "I want to go home and cuddle!"

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