Chapter 3- Home and Hospital

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Chapter Three- Home and Hospital

*Liam's POV*

"Hey Niall, you should read to him." Louis suggests sitting next to Niall on the couch.

"What?" Niall asks his hand still on his very small bump.

"You should read to him, they can hear your voice."  Louis tells him, he looks at Lou funny. "What I'm just saying."

"Can he hear you?" Niall questions looking down.

"I assume so." Louis smiles.

"Then you should sing and I should use you as a pillow." Niall smiles shyly.

"Okay, anything for my boys."  Louis says pulling Niall onto his lap. Lou starts to sing Little Things as I stand in the door way watching my boyfriends. Soon a feel a pair of arms wraps around me. I turn and find they belong to Harry.

"Hey." I whisper to him.

"Hello." He smiles back to me.

"Shh, Niall's sleeping." Louis whisper/yells to us. We both nod and move into the kitchen.

"What do you think about the whole Niall being five months pregnant thing?" Harry asks I am confused at his words.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"I mean he's barely showing, and... he seems off." Harry says obviously worried about Niall.

"Haz, I realize he's not showings much as you would think and he seems off, but he was just in the hospital for a week." I say trying to calm him down. "He's going to be fine Haz."

"I know... I just... I don't know." Harry stumbles over his words trying to figure out his emotions.

"Haz, I promise: Everything is going to be fine." Zayn says putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. I had no clue he was here and by the look on Harry's face he didn't know either.

"Okay." Harry says giving into our words.

"Have you two seen the cuties on the couch?" Zayn asks smiling. Both Harry and I nod.

"I don't think they realize how cute they are... but the fans will." Harry says. He pulls out his phone and walks quietly into the other room. Both Niall and Louis are asleep now. Niall has his arms wrapped around Louis's neck, with his head on Lou's shoulder. Louis has his arms wrapped around Niall's middle and back and has his head resting on Niall's head. Harry snaps a photo and immediately posts it on Twitter. With a caption of:

        Look at these cuties. Nap buddies forever!!!!

"Oh Haz, you are so dead when they wake up." Zayn laughs looking at his phone.

"I know." Harry giggles. We all walk back into the kitchen and eat some food.

"Have you guys been on Twitter lately? It's crazy." Harry says

"What's going on?" I ask walking over to him.

"Well, fans are freaking out because Niall was in the hospital." Harry says showing me some of the posts. "Do you think we should tell them?"

"We should talk to the others and Simon before we make any moves." I tell him, he nods and smiles randomly. "What you smiling for?"

"Nothing, I'm just excited to be a dad." Harry says.

"Me too. It's weird how we thought Niall wasn't pregnant and then we find he's farther along than any of us." I smile, Harry just nods lost in his own thoughts. I pull out my phone and scroll through Twitter for a while until I hear someone stirring in the other room.

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