Chapter 13- Seconds and Hours

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Chapter Thirteen-Seconds and Hours

*Liam's POV*

"Liam?" Niall asks sitting with his feet dangling off the side of the hospital bed.

"Yes." I answer looking over to him. He swings his legs gently.

"Never mind." He whispers after a long pause.

"Niall?" I ask knowing something is up.

"It's nothing." He says looking down at his feet. "I just want to go home."

"I know baby." I say walking over to him and hugging him. He rests his head on my shoulder and plays with my hand, tracing my tattoo of the arrows, one dedicated to each of my boys. "You'll be out of here in no time."

"Yeah, I know... I just feel all... like I'm stuck." He says with a huff.

"Sorry?" I ask not really understanding what he means.

"You know, like... trapped." He says trying to think of the word.

"Oh, you're feeling a bit claustrophobic?" I ask he nods. "Would it help if I opened a window?"

"Sure." He smiles, I walk over and open the window. As I'm fixing the blinds Louis walks in with his hand on his stomach.

"Hi Lou." Niall says smiling.

"Hey, how 're you feeling?" Louis asks taking a bite of his cookie.

"Trapped." Niall huffs. Louis holds the cookie up.

"Want a bite?" He asks, Niall nods his head and Louis puts the cookie in Niall's mouth. It's so cute.

"Where are the others?" Niall asks swallowing the cookie.

"Harry is checking to see when you will be released and Zayn... I don't know where Zayn is." Louis says, we both immediately know that was the wrong thing to say. Niall has wanted us very close the whole time and it scares him when we aren't all together. "Niall..."

"Okay." Niall says swinging his feet some more. Louis looks to me and I shrug. The past few days have been nothing but tears, and panicking.

"Good news, you can go home later today." Harry smiles walking into the room.

"Cool." Niall says softly.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks. Niall just shakes his head. "Nialler, c'mon, you can tell me."

"Where's Zayn?" Niall asks tears pooling up in his eyes.

"He is in the cafeteria, your mum is here along with mine, so he's entertaining them for right now and filling them in." Harry says, Niall lets out a breath.

"Thank God." He sighs under his breath.

"Anyway, a nurse is going to come in and drain your lung and then we should be good to go." Harry informs Niall. Niall holds out his arms toward Harry.

Harry smiles and walks over to Niall, as the blonde wraps his arms around Harry's midsection.

"Sorry for causing so much trouble." Niall whispers. Harry looks down at him and frowns.

"No, you don't have to be sorry about anything. None of this was your fault. Now, you are going to stop saying that and we are going to continue hugging." Harry says. Niall nods and Harry hugs him again, holding him tight against his him.

"Hey." A cheery nurse says walking into the room.

"Hello." Harry says moving away from Niall. He turns and looks out the window because he hates when Niall gets his lung drained.

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