Chapter 9- Stitches and Bitches

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Chapter Nine-Stitches and Bitches

a/n:::::::: sorry for the word ^^^^^ I had to.


"Babe, can I get you anything?" I ask standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"My phone maybe?" Niall asks looking at me with big puppy dog eyes. He looks like he is going to fall off the couch.

"Okay." I smile then he lets his head hang off the couch. "You're going to fall, stop that."

"Okay." Niall says smiling. I walk into the other room and grab out a bowl of left over noodles. "Hey babe, could you possibly bring some strawberries with you?"

"Sure." I laugh, Niall has been craving these for weeks now. I clean the strawberries and grab his phone. I take everything in and he smiles.

"Thank you." He sings as he pops a strawberry into his mouth.

"Shall we watch a movie?" I ask.

"Yeah, what one?" He asks stuffing another one in his face.

"Fast and Furious?" I ask and he nods. I put it in then my phone buzzes.

LEE-YUMM: Don't let Niall go on Twitter!!!


LEE-YUMM: just don't, I'll tell u when we get home.

ME: Ok...

LEE-YUMM: Thanks hopefully we'll be home soon. Hazza is getting stitches.

ME: Aw poor baby. Niall's on his phone right now so i am going to make sure he is not on Twitter. Love u.

LEE-YUMM: Ok love you too. :)

"Who's that?" Niall asks.

"Oh just Liam." I shrug taking a bite of the noodles. "He said to stay clear of... Niall, babe... Why are you crying?"

"I just..." He starts then begins to sob harder.

"What? Please tell me, why are you crying?" I plea. He looks up to me with sad eyes.

"I realized Paul Walker died... and... and... it makes me really sad." He cries as I hug him close to my chest. "They're making another one of these movies... Just imagine how hard it will be for his friends and family to watch it." I rub his back and smile.

"Babe, you are the sweetest little thing." I say he looks up at me and smiles.

"I want to call them and say how sorry I am." He says, I cock my head.

"Who? His family?" I ask and he nods. "Niall, you never met Paul Walker or his family."

"I know... never mind. Let's just watch the movie." He says doing a complete U-turn with his emotions.

"Okay." I say as he snuggles into me. After a half an hour I notice his shirt is bunched up so I can see the bump. I slowly move my hand to the edge of the shirt and pull up slightly.

"Louis!" Niall squeals blushing.

"It's just so cute." I smile. He lets out a little sigh and pulls the rest of it up. I rub his stomach until I feel some kicks then I smile. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. I mean. So soon. I always knew I wanted kids... but I didn't think... Niall's just barely twenty and he is so... young. I, myself, I'm also, "young", but I'll have you know, I helped my mother raise my sisters... okay so possibly I just babysat and drove them around but it still helped my mum.

Something GreatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora