Chapter 10-Seacrets and Interviews

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Chapter Ten-Secrets and Interviews

*Zayn's POV*

"Zayn, babe, c'mon. You have you to wake up." Louis says shaking me gently. "Zaynie, wake up. We have an interview early today."

"Okay, I'm up." I say sitting up and leaning against him. He smiles and messes up my hair. "Hey, I'm gorgeous."

"You are. You're so sexy I just want to lick your face." He says and before I can process what he just said, he is licking my face.

"Louis! That's gross!" I yell whipping the saliva off my face.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." He says smirking at me. I stand up and hear someone getting sick.

"Who's sick?" I ask slipping on my jeans and a T-shirt.

"Niall." Louis says sadly. "He didn't sleep well last night, the baby kept kicking."

"Poor guy." I say. "Has he talked to his brother yet?"

"Nah, Greg won't answer, Niall's taking it pretty hard." Louis says I sigh and sit down on the bed.

"You'd think he would be happy for his brother, I mean, he doesn't seem like the type who would be mad about these kinds of things." I say still confused about why Greg freaked out at Niall and won't call him back.

"I know, it's been what two weeks since we told our siblings, and he still won't talk to Niall. I don't get it." Louis says. "I thought of all people Liam's sisters would have been the ones to make a huge fuss about it. Not Greg."

"I know but we just have to be there for Niall." I say.

"But Niall says they used to be so close." Louis says sitting next to me. "How could he just blow him off?"

"Greg just needs some time to adjust." Niall says walking into the room.

"Sorry Niall, we-" Louis starts but Niall raises his hand to stop him.

"It's okay Louis, I don't mind." Niall says leaning against the door frame. "He never really understood how it all worked."

"What do you mean?" Louis asks holding out his arms so Niall would come and cuddle.

"My mum knew that I could get pregnant long before I did, and well... my brother never really understood it. To tell you the truth I didn't understand it either... I still don't really.... I just know it works." Niall says standing in front of Louis as wraps his arms around Niall's waist. "I don't know, I'm just going to give him some time."

"Baby." Louis says putting his head against Niall's stomach. Niall starts playing with Louis's hair and smiles. "Everything will work out in the end."

"Yeah?" Niall asks.

"Guys we have to go. Paul's almost here." Harry says. Then he comes over to us and hugs Niall from behind.

"What's up babe?" Niall asks.

"We don't have to go to any of the interviews today. We could just stay home and cuddle." Harry says softly.

"God Haz, you're starting to sound like Liam. We're going to the interviews." Niall says laughing and pulling away from both Harry and Louis. We all finish getting ready and we go down stairs.

"Paul said we'll stop by somewhere to get food." Liam says. We all nod and sit around on the couch. Niall pulls our his new phone and begins reading something intensely.

"What you reading?" Louis asks before I can.

"Hu? nothing. Just random.... nothing." Niall says obviously hiding something. Before any of us can find out what it is Paul shows up at the door.

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