Chapter 18- Moments and Birthdays

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Chapter Eighteen- Moments and Birthdays

*Liam's POV*

"What did you do?" I ask shaking my head as Zayn cries into my shoulder.

"Liam I-" Harry starts but I cut him off.

"Save it Harry." I snap, grabbing the keys and leading Zayn back over to Shay's.

"Okay, calm down Lou." Shay is comforting Louis, trying to get him calm.

"Shay---- I can'tbreath---- I can't-" Louis struggles, wheezing between words. "Help!"

"Lou, you have to calm down. Take a deep breath." Kelly says putting his hand on Lou's shoulder. "Okay, talk to me Lou. What's going on?"

"M-my stomach hurts. Please Kelly, save my baby. Don't let it die!" Louis cries, holding onto Kelly's shirt.

"Okay, calm down. You are going to be just fine." Kelly sooths, rubbing his stomach. "Both of you."

"Liam, they're going to be alright." Zayn says looking at me, though I believe he is more trying to convince himself.

"Yeah, no worries." I nod holding him closer to my body.

"Okay Louis, can you lay down for me?" Kelly asks. Louis nods and turns to lie down. "Shay, hold his head."

"Okay." Shay says laying Louis's head in her lap. Kelly places his hands on Louis's stomach.

"Okay, so this might hurt a bit. I am just checking to see if there's any tremendous stress being put on your baby." Kelly explains.

"Do... whatever." Louis breaths, trying to calm down.

Kelly pushes a bit on his stomach and feels around. Louis squeaks a few times in pain. Then Kelly looks up with a smile.

"From what I can tell your tension is just a pit high, putting stress on your baby. I took your pulse, which proved your tension was high, but I don't think your baby is in immediate harm. I'd still go and get looked at by an actual doctor, but you don't have to worry too much." Kelly says helping Louis sit back up.

"So I'm not going to lose the baby?" Louis asks hoping he is right.

"Most likely not, normally once you're in or around your third trimester it is not as common to lose your baby." Kelly informs us.

"Shit!" Louis exclaims all of a sudden.

"What?" Zayn asks worried. "What's wrong?"

"Harry!" Louis says.

Kelly gets a look of panic and jumps up. He runs out the door and I follow as Shay and Zayn help Louis to the car. When I get to the door of our house I see Kelly kneeling next to Harry.

Harry is curled up in a ball leaning against the wall; his knees pulled up to his chest and his face red and tear stained. He is sobbing uncontrollably.

"Harry, calm down. Okay? Everything is going to be fine." Kelly tells him, rubbing his arm.

"No!" Harry yells. "I-I'm terrible!"

"No Harry, you're emotional. There's a difference." Kelly encourages.

"I'm a jerk!"

"No you're not, you were just angry." Kelly says. "There is a difference."

"You didn't hear what I said! I told Niall it was his fault!" Harry almost screams.

Kelly's face goes blank then turns an unsettling color of pale.

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