Chapter 1

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Your pov.)
I started walking up the stairs and to my room, on my door was a note telling me that will be staying at Gravity Falls for just the summer. But at the bottom it said something along the lines of, unless we choose to sell your house and name you stay their for life. *great juuuust great* I thought while crumbling up the note and tossing it to nowhere in particular. "Ok, note let's just hope she picked everything and get on my way with do much joy!". Note my sarcasm there. Anyways,I picked up my suitcase, money, and my favorite (f/c) hoodie and left the house, heading towards the bus station.

(This time skip has been brought to you lazely by allycat)

​(Dippers pov.)
"But gruncle stan i-" "no buts kid, I have to stay here and finish up, business, so that's why you and Mabel need to go. Now!"
"Fine" I mumbled. All of a sudden Mabel came dying down the stairs. "COME ON DIPPER LET'S GO!!" She screamed. "AHH, MABEL!"

(your pov.)
I was listening to music while waiting for the bus to arrive at Gravity falls. I had gotten a text from Emma's mom saying 'Pines will pick you up'. *great, what's that supposed to mean?* "miss?" Called the ride bus driver "this is your stop, and I would recommend getting off before I make you" *see what I mean* I got off the bus eighth my stuff and turned around to ask if he new of anybody named pines, because as far as you knew,'pines' was one of EMMA'S family friends.and that is all you knew.suddenly your were knocked to the ground. "Ow! What the heck!!"you looked down to see a pig"HEYO, I'M MABEL AND THIS IS MY PERRY PIG WADDLES.THIS IS MY BROTHER DIPPER.ARE YOU (y/n)(l/n).WOW YOUR PRETTY.WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE BOY BAND.WHAT-" "w-woah Mabel s-s-stop!" You sighed in relief, that was a lot to handle. You now looked at the 2 in front of you, one was a boy and the other, who you now knew as Mabel, was a girl."woah, you guys look like twins!" You exclaimed, you almost couldn't tell them apart."hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,t-thats b-b-ecause we a-a-a-are.hahahahahahahaha" he laughed for an unreasonable amount of time must of had a confused look on your face because he blushed,I think out of embarrassment, and said"h-hi, I'm d-d-dipper"*wow he looks cute-wait what!I haven't even known the guy for a minute! Hold it together (y/n)* "nice to meet you Mabel and dipper!"I say a little bit more calm now. Then I got an idea,"hey, umm, do you guys know anyone named pines?"

(Dippers POV.)
*oh WOW, she is so pretty, the way her (h/l)(h/ c) shines in the light and flows in the wind, it's just gorgeous,o oh wait she said something, what do I do!!* "OMG YES WE DO, IN FACT WERE HERE TO PICK YOU UP, RITE DIPPER!" *and she gets to stay with us!* I thought *this is the best day ever*

*Oh NO pinetree,I saw her first*

​Ohhhhh looks like you got 2 admirers already! I think we all know who the second one is don't we?! Well maybe not, Mabye its just the opposite(does evil laugh) ahem, anyways remember, "REALTY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM, BUY GOLD, BYE!!!"
-Bill Cipher

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