Chapter 26

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your pov.

I held the two boys close to me as they wept and sobbed. It broke my heart but, at the same time, I was severely confused. Why in the million multiverses would they trust me? I don't even know them! I sighed but coughed suddenly when they both decided to squeeze me a bit harder. They both snapped there heads up to me "IM SORRY AUTUMN, ARE YOU OK?!" They both screamed at once. I winced slightly but hid it with a fake smile, still slightly coughing. When I was done I cautiously pulled my hands away from my mouth to find specks of blood littering over them. I quickly whipped it off on my pants, though, so they didn't notice. I sighed and continued to comfort them. "I'm fine" I said with another fake smile. They smiled back as there tears slowly stopped. I let out a sigh and looked at both of them, "So, sense im awake, do you think I should go see the other guardians-" I looked at Dipper. "-and your sister?" I questioned. They looked at each other, nodded, then turned to me. "sure." They replied simultaneously. I stared at them, confusion fleeting across my features, though I quickly replaced it with a blank expression and got up off the bed. Dipper and Jack were immediately by my side, my to my annoyance, and tried to help me to the others. Key-word tried. I slapped there hands away and quickly flew to, and out, the door before they could 'assist me'. "Hey! Autumn!" "Come back!" I heard them shout. I smirked and flew faster, bursting into the room where the others were. Mabel gave a small shout of surprise but quickly grinned, seeming happy that I was awake. "Y/- uh, I mean, AUTUMN!!!" She yelled before glomping me. I stiffened and stumbled a few steps back. 'this girl sure is peppy isn't she?' I thought. After a few seconds a hesitantly returned the hug(though not nearly as tight), making her squeal in happiness, squeezing me tighter before letting me go. Well, partially... She had a firm grip on my wrist as she dragged me over to one of the unoccupied couches. "So how are you feeling?" Mabel asked. The guardians looked at me expectantly, and I was about to answer when Jack and Dipper came running into the room. Everyone either gave them confused or questioning look, while I just looked amused. They looked at them for a couple seconds longer before turning there attention back to me. "To answer your question, im perfectly fine Mabel." I lied threw my teeth. "Autumn?" Toothania said. I turned to her and nodded in acknowledgement. "Do you want your memories?" She asked. My eyes widened in shock. "Memories.....?"

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