Chapter 15

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//a/n: surprise! Another chapter! Enjoy! also the picture is one of Austria and Australia. Austria is one the top and Australia is on the bottom. there 2 different places!!!

jacks pov.

I heard the blindfold get taken off the door and the waited a few moments before yanking y/n in. She let out a small shirek and I chuckled. She was tense but at hearing me she relaxed. "Frost if you ever do that again your dead" she said to me threatingly. I just laughed and said "lighten up!" She huffed as I sat her down on a chair and pushed her in. I could tell she was trying to figure out what was going on by the way she placed her hands on the table and tryed to figure out what she smelled.

Your pov.

"Well y/n! We heard"(<-Mabel)"that"(<-jack)"it is"(<-dipper) "YOUR BIRTHDAY!"(<-all). I jumped at there yelling and held back a flinch as someone took off the blind fold. My eyes adjusted and I looked at the scene in front of me in amazement. Infrost of me was a table full of a cake, pancakes coated in syrup, bacon, and orange juice. I was confused at why there was a cake until I read what it said on top. 'HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY Y/N!' I gasped and covered my mouth with tears in my eyes. I had never had a birthday party before..... suddenly a thought occurred to me."Thanks guys! but, how did you know its my birthday?" jack and dipper pointed to mabel. she grinned sheepishly. "welllll, your phone went off and it was a reminder that it was your birthday, soooooo when you were out I told Dipper and Jack and we put this together!" she gestured to the table with her hands. I got up and hugged all 3 of them at once. "thanks guys. your all great" I smiled as they hugged back. "your welcome y/n!" they all said at once. we backed out of the hug and I clapped my hands together. "so, how about we all eat,"i gestured to the table, "then we'll go out and look for the prophecy girl" "but its your birthday!" mabel exclaimed. I smiled wistfully "ive never had a birthday mabel, but this, this is enough. having you guys here and making this for me." I gave her a re-assuring look. "trust me, ill be fine" "fine, but near the end of the day, whether or not we find the prophecy girl, I want to have us al have some fun for your birthday!" I looked at Jack and Dipper in worry for her idea. wasn't it more important to find the prophecy girl then it was to celebrate my birthday? as if reading my thoughts, Jack spoke up. "sure mabel, that'll be fine. besides, me and the guardians can find that girl later" "but Jack-" "its fine y/n" he said to me. I looked straight into his eyes and sided when I saw I wasn't going to win this. "ok.... that's what we'll do mabel" she squealed and tackled me in a hug. i tensed but hugged her back so she didn't question my reaction. she pulled back and gave her usual bright and cheery smile before sitting down. "well, lets eat!" she exclaimed. so we all sat down and happily ate.

~timeskip brought to you by the forever alone club~

your pov.

after we ate they got ready and we headed out. we went all over the world, with jacks help, but never found the girl. we were currently in Austria(NOT AUTRAILIA, AUTSTRIA AND AUSTRALIA ARE 2 DIFFERENT PLACES) and had entered a café. I ordered all of our drinks and meeted them outside. "mabels, dippers, jacks, and mine" I murmured as I passed them out. we all quickly walked to an ally and threw a globe portal, entering as soon as it came up. we were now in the 'secret garden' I had shown them days before. I turned to jack with a sorry expression. "im sorry we couldn't find the girl jack" he only smiled "its ok y/n, besides, I can look for her another time-" "NOW LETS HAVE SOME FUN!" mabel shouted. "oh no..." dipper face palmed. "why did you have to give her a EXTRA CHOCOLATE frappe...." I smiled sheepishly "well I didn't think it would make her this hyper....sorry?" I said in a questioning voice. I chuckled and said "is fine" I nodded and looked at mabel for a second. I pulled up a sled with wheels(I cant think of the name XD) and told jack and dipper to sit on it. they did and I stood on my knees in it "mabel! come here girl!" I said like she was a dog. she rushed over and I handed her some rope that was attached to the sled in a way where if she ran, it would pull us with her. "to the 'secret garden'!" I said to her. I quickly sat down as we seemed to move at the speed of light. by the time we got there she was still hyper, but not nearly as much. we all hopped out of the sled and pushed our way through the trees and bushes until we got to the secret door. I unlocked the door and we stepped inside.

a/n: surprise!!! its another cliff hanger. I know :D *dodges table* hey! I updated twice in two da- AHHH!*hides under couch*
you:why must you cliff hanger meeee!!
me: well the suspence is gre-
you: whats gonna happen author!
me:shhhhHH! your breaking the forth wall in a way!

dipper x reader x ???जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें