Chapter 31

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Third pov.

"No.......No....." You muttered at the sight before yourself.


Ripped out of the ground and strewn everywhere. Knocking over a couple signs and crushing a golf cart.


Lodged in random spaces within the dirt and trees.

But worst of all...


Fire, everywhere. And spreading quickly towards a town that, if you fly high enough, could see that it was Gravity Falls. You didn't know that though, of course. Your main priority right now was to stop the fire from spreading. But what you also would've notice, if you had flown upwards, was that Jack, Sandy, Mabel, and Dipper were all running in your direction. In fact, they were less than a mile away from you by now. But again, you didn't know that did you? You grit your teeth as you worked to put out the last part of the fire. The biggest part of the fire. The part of the fire that, if you didn't put it out, could destroy an entire town.

Your pov.

I let out a small sigh of relief as a put out that fire, relieved that there was only one more section left. I had been using the fire extinguisher from within the bunker-like place I was just in, but it did little justice. I had ended up using huge buckets(from in the bunker, of course) to get water from a lake that was a literal minuet away and my control over the wind to put out the fire. But all the while, my mind was reeling with what Pitch had said.

"Not to the point, Autumn, what did you do?"

I grit my teeth. I didn't cause this. I couldn't. I wouldn't. It wasn't possible. I didn't even have the ability to control fire. 'but neither does Pitch, as far as we know...' I thought. I stopped tossing water on the fire and stared at it for a minuet. I had an idea. I flew up higher, my back facing the town as I aimed powerful wind towards the now lowered fire from every direction possible. Keeping that going I grabbed two of the huge water buckets that were filled to the brim and commanded part of the wind to keep them floating there. (the buckets together equal up to the size of two water buckets at Great Wolf Lodge-> )

The wind was keeping the fire in place as I figured out where I should let the two full buckets water drop when suddenly I heard someone yell from behind me. "AUTUMN?! WHATS GOING ON?!" My eyes narrowed as I heard Jack speak. Couldn't he tell I was in the middle of something important? I needed to concentrate. "Y/N!!!" He shouted this time. I stilled for a moment but quickly shook it off. "AU-" "HOLD ON!" I yelled. My voice seemed to slightly shake things around me, including the water in the buckets. Some of the water fell out, not hitting the fire and I grit my teeth in annoyance. I took another minuet to assure myself that the buckets were in the right position before tilting them towards each other and steadily dowsing out the fire.

By the time the water buckets were empty, the fire was no longer a fire, but just a mess of charcoal.

Charcoal that was a deep, dark, black. I flew down to the ground with a frown adorning my features. What if someone found this besides us? This would be impossible to cover up....

"Y/n?" A female voice spoke up behind me. I put on a calm façade, despite my whirling mind, and turned around. I stared at the four of them before turning my attention to Mabel, who had just said my name. I put on a comforting smile, though, I knew that it was too strained to not be noticeable. "...........hey guys."

They stared at me, as if not sure where to start. I wasn't offended, though. I would probably be doing the same thing if I was them. Some spots on my clothes were burned and ripped, I was sweating like crazy, my hair was all over the place, and my eyes seemed to scream out to the word just how distressed I was. I was something they weren't expecting alright, but did that matter me?


Not at all.

In fact, im a bit proud at how I didn't let my injuries and state of mind get in the way of taking care of the matter at hand.

Sandy waved his hands at me. I gave a small smile and walked over as he started signing to me. Something in my mind clicked and I understood what he was signing. "Autumn! Are you ok??? What happened here? Pitch tried to attack us then left suddenly, saying something about you! Im not sure what exactly but I know its serious...." He looked behind me at the damage. "And eventful.." He mused slightly. I sighed. "yeah, I know.. but, I don't even know how this-" I gestured to the mess behind me. "even happened..." I said. He look confused, and was about to speak up before Mason Dipper cut in. (lol, almost used Dippers real name-oops-) "What do you mean you don't know how this happened? It seems obvious that it would be Pitch, right?" I felt the blood drain from my face as I said these next words. "Actually... Pitch said this was from me."

Word count: 949

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