Chapter 18

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your pov.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, just to look into a black oblivion. Where am I? And who am I? I thought to myself, though, I got no answer. Suddenly I got a sense that I was falling. I tried to look around in panic, but, I couldnt move. I let out a small grunt as I felt myself jolt. My eyes were squeezed shut tightly and my hands were clenched at my sides. But surprisingly, I felt at peace. I slowly opened my eyes to see the bright moon shining quite brightly on me. My body raised up in mid air and I heard the moon speak to me. Don't ask me how i knew it was the moon, something just told me it was him. 'my child, your name is Autumn Leaf' "what? Who are you? What is your name?" I asked, having many questions. He chuckled. 'I am the Man in Moon. But you may call me Manny. Now I don't have much time child, I must hurry. You must choose one path, darkness, or light. Whichever path you choose will determine the fate of the world.' i cut him off "Manny listen, what is thiall about? What am l supposed to do?!" 'do not worry,my child, you will be fine.' "b-but- but Mannny i-" but his presence was gone, and I was lowered onto the ground. When my feet touched the ground, they also touched a wooden staff. I stared at it in caution and tapped it with my foot, which I just realized was bare. The staff glowed a beautiful mix of red, orange, and yellow before going back to normal. Something told me it was someone else, however, so I left it. But, I turned around just for my feet to touch........a sword?(picture at the top but with brown-red lether handle and case) I raised a brow at the object. I picked it up and got into a fighting position, and surprisingly, moved it with skilled ease. As if I was a born natural at the art of sword fighting. I gave a small smirk and sheathed the sword. A moment of panic came over me, however, when it dissapeared from my side. "Sword!" I shouted and marvelled as it appeared back on my side,sheathed. "I wonder...... AWAY!" I shouted. It dissapeared and I no longer felt the small weight on my side. I smiled, who knew what else Iwas supposed to discover about myself.....

3rd person pov.

Meanwhile, back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel, Dipper, and Jack rushed out the door. They were convinced that Y/n was the prophecy girl, she had to be. There was no other explanation. They soon arrived at the door. . .

Dippers pov.

I panted as we arrived at the door to the 'secret garden'. "How...are we....gonna open the....door....its locked.." I said in between pants. Jack gave me a smirk before saying. "Is it?" As he simply pushed the door open with his right hand. I glared at him but ran in.​​ "she didn't lock itwhen we entered did she?" I asked jack, who quickly flew with me to where we left Y/n, with Mabel on his back. He nodded and I turned my attention back to where we were headed.

3rd person pov.

While Dipper, Mabel, and Jack were running to get to you, you had figured out two of your powers. After you had sheathed your sword you had walked across the ground andthe green grass beneath you had turned a brown-tan color. . .

Your pov.

After Isheathed my sword, i started walking around. This place sure was beautiful. Fromthe green trees, to ghe green- wait, brown grass? I looked behind me to where I had just walked to see atrail of brown-tan grass, but all around me was green grass. I tried jump/hop- walking to a tree nearby but I sudddnly flew in a complete mess. "woAh, WoAH, WOAH!" I shouted as I went flying all over the place. I suddenly crashed onto a tree branch andstarted laughing. "That was so fun!!" I cheered. I looked down to s I was on the tallest branch on the tallest tree in this whole place. I marveled at the sight in front of me in happiness. I stood up on the branch with a hand on the tree. But jerked away fromit when i heard the sound that came when myhand touched the tree. Iwatched as all the trees leaves turned beautiful colors of red, orange, yellow, and dark browns. "I-.....I did that..." I said out loud. I grinned, "I DIDTHAT!" i shouted, flying a few feet away from the tree and watching as the trees leaves quickly changed colors. I realized I was flyingand smiled. This was so cool! I attempted to fly down carefully and notfal to the ground. Key word attempted. I felt myself 'stumble' in mid air as i flew downwards and walked quickly on the ground to stop myself. I quickly got up and and brushed myself off. Suddenly heard a voice behind me. "Y/n...?"

Jacks pov.

We finally arrived at the placewhere we had left y/n, just toseethate she wasnt there. I took a sharp intake of breath and looked around, quickly spotting y/n with her back faced towards us. "Y/n...?" I whispered. "What, where?!" Dipped and Mabel both exclaimed. Looking in the direction i was looking but seeing nothing. She tensed and I barily heard her whisper "sword" before I wassuddenly bqcked against the wall of the tree she fell out of with a sword to my neck. I let out a surprised gasp and looked at y/n's face. She didnt look the same, but she still looked great. Even with her eyes narrow and cautious of my every movement. "Y-y/n! I was right! You were the prophecy girl! I am so so sorry you got wrappd up in this, i-" "SHUT UP!" she yelled, a look of confusion and........fear on her face. I stopped speaking and my face softened. "You don't.....remember me do you?" I asked. "What do you mean remember you? I've just now came to be. And its not y/n kid, it Leaf. Autumn leaf." She stated before backing away from me. Suddenly she flew off at a quick pace, as if she had done it her entire life. I was about to go after her butmabel stopped me. "Jack, what are you doing!? Who were you talking to?!" I looked towards both of them as ifthe were crazy. "Y/n of course! Couldn't youse her?" I asked, they shook there heads. "Great" i muttered, "Now I have to get them to beleive, and, get y/n back...."

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