Chapter 30

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your pov.

I jumped into the hole with little to no hesitation, the darkness consuming me as I fell. Eventually, I saw I faint light and slowed down my falling by slowly starting to fly. I looked around, my body rotating with me as I strained my ears to hear what I was looking for. "what the..." I muttered as I looked down to see a glowing, circular-ish shape. I flew down to get a closer look at it, flying around its structure and examining it. "wait.. is this supposed to be like..... like a globe from-" "______!" a young male voice laughed. I snapped my head up, immediately on high alert. I flew towards where the voice seemed to come from. There was a deafening silence, with the only sound being my soft breathing.

"Looking for something?"

My eyes widened as I flew right up to Pitch and swung my sword at him, missing due to him disappearing in the shadows as he laughed. "don't be afraid ______," he said as I landed against a wall about 7 feet away from him. "im not going to hurt you this time..." he finished. 'again....?' my mind echoed. "Afraid?" I questioned, almost sarcastically as I started ever so slowly walking towards him. I raised my sword in front of me and made it into a staff. "im not afraid of you." He shrugged, as if the topic didn't matter to him.

3rd person pov.

"Maybe not... but you are afraid of something." (yes, I know, some of these are direct quotes from the movie starting now, and I give the makers of Rise of the Guardians full credit)

You gave a slight humorless chuckle. "you think so, huh?"

"I know so! Its the one thing I always know...Peoples greatest fears..." Pitch felt a small sense of da ja vou and smirked. 'this time it will be different...' he thought.

You felt a small sense of surprise and dread for what Pitch was about to say. 'He couldn't.... he wouldn't...' you thought.

Pitch looked straight into your eyes with a smirk. "Yours is that no-one will ever believe in you."

Pitch chuckled as darkness covered you and you fell through the shadows. "woAH!" you yelled. you landed roughly with a thud on the cold, dark ground. "In fact, this was even your worst fear when you were alive!" he stated. You scrambled to find your staff and hastily stood up as he continued. "And worst of all, your afraid you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you chosen... to be like this?" He said/questioned, walking/floating around the teen, who's emotions were everywhere.

"well fear not," he said, stopping to stand/float in front of you. "for the answer to that, is right here."

your pov.

"well fear not," pitch said, stopping in front of me. My emotions were going haywire; my breathing heavy from trying to get a grip. "for the answer to that, is right here." Pitch finished saying. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I stared at the box before me; held in Pitch's left hand(which was extended towards you).

"Do you want them ______? Your memories?"

I flicked my eyes up to his to see a sorta kind expression on his face before moving them back to the box. I slowly started to reach my right hand out for it but stopped. 'what would the others say?' Suddenly Pitch pulled away, and my breathing hitched as he traveled through the shadows. I jumped and flew after him, going up onto a platform.

"Everything you wanted to know, in this little box." He said, cackling evilly as his shadow traveled over the wall, teasing me by holding out the shadow of the box towards me on the wall. I chased after him as he glided backwards.

"Why did you end up like this? Unseen. Unable to reach out to anyone." I grit my teeth as his voice and shadow traveled around me. His voice got quieter and louder as he traveled around me.

"You want the answers so badly. You want to grab them and fly off with them. But you're afraid of what the Guardians will think. You're afraid of disappointing them." I started jogging/flying more near his globe, trying not to let his words get to my head.

"Well, let me ease your mind about one thing." he said.

"They'll never accept you. Not really." I growled slightly as I gripped the sides of my head. "ugh! Stop it! Stop it!"

I shouted. "After all, you're not one of them." "You don't know what I am." I practically growled out.

"Of course I do! Your Autumn Leaf! You cause problems wherever you go, why your doing it right now." He said as he basically chucked my memories at me. I looked down at them for a second before what he said processed through my head. My head shifted upwards; confusion and caution evident as I did so. "What did you do...?" "More to the point Autumn, what did you do?" He slowly started to chuckle as he back up into darkness and shadows, a leer on his face.

Anger flashed through me and I gave a short yell as I chased after him. My staff was glowing a orange-red color and I swung at him in the dark. It suddenly got lighter and I looked around. I was in some sort of bunker. "What?!" I shouted. I turned around and banged on the wall that I supposedly came out of. "have fun fixing this problem, Autumn." He spat my name out like dirt. I turned and ran outside, not ready to see the sight before me. "No....." I whispered in shock. "No..."

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