Chapter 19

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your pov.

I backed away from the guy I had held against the tree with my sword and looked him over briefly. He had snow white hair, icey blue eyes that, I could've sworn, had mini snowflakes in them. And he had a natural pale skin. He wore a dark blue hoodie,that had frost covering it in some places, and light brown pants. I quickly turned aound and flew away at a fast speed. It seemed as if my body was flying expertly on instinct. I smirked and flew faster, seeing the trees ahead. My eyes widned when i saw how thick they were and i blocked my face with my arms and hands. I winced slightly upon contact but soon felt the fresh, nice air. I stopped and looked back to see the tree branches close back up like they had a mind of its own. Closing until you could never tell there was a hole there in the first place. I smirked slightly "A moon child who can't do this much, isn't worth his salt" I said. I felt a strange feeling of da ja vou, but ignored it. It was probably nothing anyways. I turned back and started flying away when I suddenly heard someone chuckle. "Sword"I whispered. It appeared and I automatically drew it and held it infront of my face. I heard someone speak from behind me"Well well, looks like the moon child is finally here".

Jacks pov.

I facepalmed as Dipper continued to not believe me when said i saw y/n. Mabel belived in a matter of seconds. Why couldn't he? "Dipper look." I said seriously. He looked at me, a bit shocked that I wasn't yelling at him to believe me. "I know what I saw, and that was y/n- well.. Not y/n anymore, she said her name is now Autumn Leaf. (Has nothing to do with my user name Iswear it. My user is supposed to be like im the spirit of Autumn and it gave me the inspiration for this story. Sorry if it bothers you)-but its besides the point. She here and she's alive. And either you can except that, or you can leave it to me and Mabel" I said, side hugging Mabel. "Yes bro bro, join us, or leave us be to help y/n!" She said. We both looked at him, awaiting his answer.

Dippers pov.

I studied Jack and Mabels determined and convinced expressions. Were they right? Was y/n really alive? Or was this just some cruel joke and it wasn't really y/n? I sighed in defeat and nodded my head. "Ok, I'll help you.." I said. I heard Mabel and jack cheer before Mabel said "Then lets go find her!" She grabbed me and jacks arms and dragged us out of there quickly. "A-AH! MABEL!"

Your pov.

I swung around and swung my sword with a feeling of hatered that I didn't know I posesed. I feeling deep inside of me said to hate this man with everything i had. I narrowed my eyes on him as he started to speak. "Oh don't give me that look. I'm here to help you." I looked at him, confusion covering my face. Suddenly the world went grey scale. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! IM NOT LETTING YOU BE HERE YET PITCH" i loud, some how familular voice shouted at the man, who I now know as pit- 'pitch black' a voice in my head said, cutting me off. I felt myself get more confused and Iooked up just as I heard "SORRY LEAF BUT YOU HAVE TO FORGET!" he said, "wha-" I was cut off by a blinding light.
I opened me eyes and kept flying.I had closed them when i yawned. I wonder what else can do....I thought to myself. Suddenly it struck me..................... "What do I even look like??" I questioned thin air. I saw a pond a few ways away and flew over to it and look at my reflection. I had auburn- reddish hair with white ombre tips. I was wearing a dark red, long sleeve tight shirt and light blue skinny jeans and no shoes/socks. My skin was pale but it wasn't in a sickly way. No, it was a natural pale with a few freckles on my arms and face. I had a hour glass figure and was overall good looking. Though i felt it would be boasting to admit that.I went to look at my eyes but my hair fell on my face. I huffed and waved my hand up, my hair automatically going into a messy bun that I had wanted. I stared at it in awe for a second but quickly snapped my attention to my eyes. They were definently something to look at. They were currently a deep red color( 3110_red-eyes-lenses-sebastian )and I stared at them, loving the color. "What if they were purple..." I muttered,thinking about my eyes being purple. Suddenly there color changed and was now a purple color( purple_eye_by_policyoftruth ). Shock consumed me and my eyes changed to a bright blue color a with a small ring of red around the pupil. I winced as a felt a slight pain on my right eye and saw this( c8928c815c8177c9604ac280046db9 )there. I gasped it it quickly went back to what it had been. I found myself out of breath as I kept taking deep breaths, no longer looking at my reflection in the pond. What was going on!?

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