Chapter 11

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Jacks pov.

I sighed as I balanced on top of my staff. It was time to tell them the prophecy, and it was destined to happen tomorrow. I waited as y/n Mabel and dipper got there cereal and sat down. The gave me expecting looks and I took a deep breath of air before speaking "so... You guys ready?" I asked. They all nodded.,", here is what the prophecy says-"I took out a copy of what the prophecy says....

"There is a girl
Who abides in many places
All unknown
With a heart of gold
But a voice of steel
Fun. Tree. Sleep. Fall.
Her FALL will be the end, and beginning of her all." Y/n said allowed. They all looked at each other in confusion. "So what is this?" Mabel said. "Well, what we have gathered is that this will be a new guardian" I said, remembering the conversation with North, Tooth, Sandy and Kangaroo. "Obviously its a girl. She probably has traveled to many places,"i noticed y/n's form tense and eyes darken."we guess that she is kind but can be firm, from the part that says"with a heart of gold but a voice of steel".....but..we don't get the last part.........and we have no clue on who it could be." I stated, I glanced at y/n to see her looking lost in thought. What was she thinking?

Your pov.

"Obviously its a girl. She probably has traveled to many places,"I heard Jack say. I felt myself tense as my eyes darkened. I have traveled to many places, I am not proud to say. I went to Neverland for hecks sake! I hoped that this girl hasn't went to places like Neverland. It wasn't exactly the cheery happy place that you saw in the books and movies... I scarcely noticed Jack glance at my tense form and forced my body to relax. I can't have them asking any questions. "we guess that she is kind but can be firm, from the part that says"with a heart of gold but a voice of steel".....but..we don't get the last part.........and we have no clue on who it could be." Jack finished. Although I was so lost in thought that I barily noticed. Something(or someone-*wink wink*) inside me told me that I was the girl the prophecy mentioned. But that couldn't be! I was nothing important like something like that. So then what was that feeling inside me? Was it, no.I wasn't afraid. I'm not giving Pitch the satisfaction of seeing me in fear.​ I was snapped out of my thoughts as Mabel started waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh, what?" I said in a slightly dazed voice. How long was I out?"y/n? You ok? We've been trying to get you attention for 5 minutes" dipper said with concern. My eyes widened in shock but I quickly put back on a emotionless face"I'm fine, just thinking about the prophecy" I said. "Oh, well do you have any ideas on it?" Jack said.I shook my head"no, sorry" I said. He nodded. "So what should we do now?" Mabel asked, looking really bored."how bout we-"I was cut off by the world going grey scale as time stopped. I felt my eyes widen as I watched my new found friends freeze with everything else.'wait- friends? What happened to not letting anyone in?' I thought."WELL WELL WELL, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? WHY, ITS LITTLE MOON! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" bill asked. I just glared."NOT GONNA ANSWER HUH? WELL THATS TOO BAD, I CAN ALWAYS..."he snapped his fingers and my eyes widened and quickly looked around, waiting for the disaster that was bound to come. I saw color slowly start returning to Jacks body and I turned to Bills laughing form "STOP THAT, HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, STOP!" I yelled at him. "....y/n?" I voice questioned behind me. I froze and whipped around "j-jack i-" "y/n what's going on?" He said, his voice raising slightly. Suddenly Bill spoke up " WELL KID YOUR IN THE MIND SCAPE WITH LITTLE MOON HERE. WANNA MAKE A DEAL?" he said, sticking out his hand.jack looked at it. "No jack don't!" I said. He looked at me."y/n......." He looked a mix between confused and-....hurt.... I automatically felt my heart pang but I ignored it."jack, remember when you saw that blo-" "OK, TIME TO START TIME AGAIN " Bill interrupted. He snapped his figures and time started again. Jack looked at me with many unspoken questions but I quickly looked away to the twins, who looked at me. Curious as to why I stopped talking. "Oh sorry, I just remembered! There was a 'secret' park I found when I was coming here. How bout we go there?" I asked. Mabel cheered and ran outside while dipper gave me a suspicious but also concerned look.I mouthed a "I'll tell you later" and he nodded and followed me out with Jack.
Dippers Pov.

We had just arrived at the 'secret park' that y/n had told us about as we were walking. The whole park was surrounded by trees and you could only find the gate to enter by pushing threw the bushes. She took out a key with a cresant moon on it and unlocked the gate. We entered and stared in awe. There were all four seasons in the room! It was divided into 4 sections. One area was winter, another fall, another summer and the last one spring. "Woah...." We all whispered while y/n just smirked at us. "Told you it was great" she said. She walked into the summer section and sat on a swing. "I- how did- this isn't in-" "isn't in the journal?" She finished my sentence. I nodded wordlessly. "Well..." She trailed off, pulling a number 4 journal out of her backpack/purse. But only far enough to see the number."i- THERES ANOTHER JOURNAL?!" I exclaimed, nearly as loud as Mabel on smile dip. I chuckled and put it back."yup" a deer with eyes that looked just like the moon walked up to y/n and she smiled at it and pet its he'd softly."wow, why isn't it running away?" Jack said in shock. "Woah......",Mabel said, for once not yelling. She walked up and sat next to y/n on the swing. I looked at y/n's eyes and the deer's eyes to see they looked exactly the same. Eyes looking like the moon with a pupil in the middle."I don't really know....but, I feel like there's a connection between us, you know?" Y/n said. I nodded. But the only thing I could think is'she looks so pretty in this setting'

Your pov.

We were now walking back to the shack, animatedly talking about all we had done in the 'secret park' today. I was pretty sent sense I have been there before, but Mabel dipper and jack still seemed pretty excited by it.

~another time skip :P~
It was now night time, around 11pm and I was wide awake. I was forcing myself to not all asleep so that I wouldn't fall back into a pit of nightmares. But, I also couldn't stop thinking about the prophecy....'what would happen?who is she?where is she?' All these questions blurred threw my mind like a hurricane and i had no answers to any of them. I saw golden sand flowing into the room and smiled tiredly "hello sandy",i said as he flew in. He tipped his hat at me and started signing to me"why are you not asleep?" he asked concerned. I sighed "I don't want another nightmare" I whispered looking down. He gave me a look of pity and made a ball of sand and pointed from it to me. I got the message and sighed"you can try sandy but it wont work for long" I said with a sigh. He made a thumbs up and threw the ball at me. Sandy's smiling and kind face was the last thing i saw before i fell asleep.

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