Chapter 16

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Your pov.

I took out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. We all hurriedly stepped inside and I closed the door behind them. Putting the key back in my pocket as I did so. Mabel tackled me in a hug and said(more like shouted) "REDAY TO HAVE SOME FUN Y/N?!" I Gave a small, real smile. "Sure Mabel, I'm ready to have fun." 'for once' I added in my head. She smiled and said "ok, so what time is it. How much time we have will tell what game I choose to have you play for the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!" I raised a brow at her with an amused expression on my face. "I looked up at the sky to calculate the time but frowned remembering that all the trees covered the sky. Except for some rays of sunshine of course.i looked at dipper. "I can't tell the time from in here. You got a watch?" He nodded and looked. "6:32" he announced to us all. We nodded. "WERE PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK!!!!" Mabel all but screamed at us. Jack smile and said "ya, that could be fun. Who's it first?" "MABEL!""DIPPER!""MABEL!""ME!" we all screamed at once. I chuckled "one at a time, dipper? Who do you want to be it?""Mabel" I nodded "jack?" "Dipper" "Mabel?""ME!!!" she shouted. I chuckled "and i chose Mabel. Sorry jack but majority rules" I shrugged. "Aww man!" He pouted "hey!" Dipper said. They glared at each other and just when it looked like a fight was about to break out i stood in between the two. "Common guys, can you not fight? At least for today?" They nodded and looked away from each other. "I'll start counting!" Mabel cheered, trying to break the tense atmosphere. We nodded and ran to a hiding spot as mabel started counting.

??? Pov.

Oh look at them. So happy. And oblivious to my plan. That girl is interfering with my plans and she must be stopped. I've been waiting for this day for a long time now. The prophecy will be done, but, she will join the dark side. I'll make sure of that.

Dippers pov.

As Mabel started counting, the the of us ran out in sperate place of the large "secret garden". I ran till I arrived at a little lake. I laid low on the grass and the watched jack and y/n run. Jack went and hid behind a rock, but y/n ran further. Out ofhe corner of my eye I saw jack watching her as well. We watched until she was out of sight. Out of worry I was about to stand up but I heard Mabel loudly yell "READY OR NOT. HERE I COOOMMMME!" annnnd she ran straight past me. I looked up and felt my mouth drop open in shock. Y/n was on the highest tree, which I was around 1,000 feet high, and was sitting on the highest branch that supported her weight. I stared in awe as she sat there, swinging her legs back and forth. I was cut out of my thoughts by a body laying quickly down next to me. I snapped my head over and glared when I saw who it was.

Jacks pov.

I was staring in awe as y/n climbed to the top of the tallest tree. But, unfortunately, I was snapped out of my staring as I heard mabel getting closer. I quickly flew low on the ground behind the bushes to where I saw dipper lying on the ground. i dropped silently next to him and he snapped his head towards me. A sharp glare fixed on his face, matching my own. "Listen, I don't want to be here either but mabel was about to get me.""whatever" he said. I would've let it go but i saw him give an I roll and mutter "frosty the snowman" my face turned slightly red in anger and I hit him on the side of the head. Hard. "Ow! Why you-" we got into a little wrestling match and soon after stopped and started argueing loudly.

??? Pov.

I smirked as I saw y/n idly sitting on the tallest branch on the tallest tree. "What a traggity it would be if you fell"I whispered, just loud enough for her to barely hear me, but not be able to tell what I said. She tensed and looked around before calming down. Oh what a bad mistake. I glanced at the three down below to see them too busy argueing to notice what was about to happen. I leaned close to y/n and whispered "goodbye prophecy girl" and pushed her offthe tree.her scream soon filled the air as she got closer andr to the ground.l saw jack race to try to save her- thump. I heard the loud sound of a girls body hitting the ground. I cackled evily and decended down. "Your too late, jack." I said. "But, look on the bright side. You found the profecy girl." I laughed and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Your pov.

I was sitting happily, swinging my legs back and forth on my favorite branch. I was watching Mabel as she scurried around, desperately looking for us all. i snickered lightly. I would be the last to be found. I watched jack fly over near dipper as Mabel came closer to him. Suddenly I saw them fighting and I frowned. I was about to call out to them when a chilling voice sounded in my ear."goodbye prophecy girl." I gasped as i was suddenly pushed out of the branch. I started screaming, desperately trying to get closer to the trees to grab a branch. But it was all in vain.l suddenly felt my back hit the hard, cold ground. My breathing stopped and everything, went, black.

Jacks pov.

Me and dipper were fighting when we uddenly heard a loud scream. "Y/N!!!" me dipper and mabel shouted. I flew quickly, desperately trying to reach her. But missed. I watch her body hit the ground. "NOOOO!" I screamed. I rushed forward and dropped to my knees next to her.i suddenly heard Pitch above me. "Your too late, jack." he said sinisterly. "But, look on the bright side. You found the profecy girl." He laughed. Then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. I growled and punched tree that y/n had been on in anger.i felt dipper and mabels presence behind me and turned. My anger disputing.I dropped to my knees and cried. Dipper and mabel soon joining. Y/n was dead.

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