Chapter 28

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Your pov.

"Pitch" I spat out with hate. He grinned at me evilly, "That's right! Always was a smart girl" he said in mock enthusiasm. I glared as he slowly glided around me, not bothering to play his game by turning with him as he moved. I shivered in disgust as his breath fanned the back of my neck. "Though, not smart enough." He said. I let out an almost animalistic growl and, eyes flashing a deep grey, twisted around to land a rough punch to his gut... just for him to not be there.

"wha-" "And do you want to know why that is Autumn? Why your not smart enough?" I twisted around after hearing him behind me. He spoke before I had a chance to reply "Its because you weren't smart enough to realize that dear Toothania wouldn't be able to get your memories." My glare turned harder. 'If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.' I thought. "And why is that?" I questioned. "Because your memories, are right here." he said. I froze slightly, my breath catching in my throat as he held the box out infront of me to see. Taunting me with a slight shake of the box.

I shook my head, almost not believing that he had them. "But- but Tooth-" "Tooth's little minions aren't as tuff as they make themselves out to be." Pitch smirked. We both stood there, unmoving. My eyes trained on the small little box while his eyes bore a hole into the top of my head. "Well, I do believe I have to be going!" Pitch stated. My eyes snapped up to his face in a almost wild panic. "No!" I yelled, lunging at him just as he disappeared. I stumbled and fell to the ground on my face, I felt my eyes water but quickly blinked them away. 'What just happened?' "AUTUMN!!"

Toothainia's pov.

I flew quickly to go get __- I mean, Autumns memories, Occasionally stopping to give one of my girls some directions. I was curious as to what Autumns memories were but knew that I shouldn't look, or pry, after she gets them back. I looked threw the faces and letter categories until I found where Autumns memories should be. I smiled and went to grab her memories- just to be grabbing at air. I looked down into the slot, worry and panic going threw my veins. All that was left in the slot, was sand. Pitch.Black.Sand.

I glared and quickly flew away from there, flying towards where I left the others. I scanned the area from up above and gathered everyone except Autumn, not seeing her in my search. "Guys! Pitch stole Autumns memories and now I cant find her!" I said a bit rushed, though, judging from there faces, they understood clearly what I had said. We were all silent for a minute before we heard talking. I quickly flew in that direction, the others(not including jack sense he is flying next to her) following below.

I got to my pond and let out a gasp as a witnessed Pitch teleport away, Autumns memories in his hand as Autumn launched herself forward to tackle him. She landed on her face, a quiet grunt emanating from her heavily breathing form. "AUTUMN!"

dipper x reader x ???Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt