Chapter 20

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A/N: sup bros! Just a small warning,I might not be able to update next Sunday because I'm going on a trip!(message me if you want to know where) and I'll be gone for little over a week. 😊 ok that's all! Now back to the story~

Dippers pov.

i was running(being dragged) by Mabel and Jack when suddenly they both stopped, looked to the right, and burst into the woods. "Ouch- a-ah- MABEL JACK!!!" I yelled as they dragged me threw the woods. 'what is wrong with them?!' i questioned in my mind, protesting out loud all the way. Its funny how, for the slightest moment, I thought Mabel would have been a bit more miture..... You know, sense were 16 and all.. Mabel and Jack jurked to a stop and let go of me, causing me to fall forward on my face.
"Y/N!!!" Mabel shouted. The girl whipped around, looking severly frightened. Jack put a hand on Mabels shoulder to prevent her from glommping the poor girl. ​​​i flicked my eyes between Mabel and jack to the girl, crossing my arms. "You sure this is y/n?" I said after a long, tense and awkward silence. The three of them snapped there attention to me."of course itis!" Mabel shouted. "Yeah! Can't you see it?! Its y/n as a-" "SHUT UP!" A voiced yelled, interrupting Jacks sentence. We looked towards the girl as she gave us a cold glare. "Look, I don't know who you people are but I'm not this y/n you.." Her face took one of confusion and pain for a moment before it went back to normal, she continued speaking, shaking her head as she did so. "...I'm not this y/n you speak of" she shook her head more when she said the name 'y/n'.
My face took on a look of concern and I shared a look with jack and Mabel. They both had a concerned look as well. I looked towards the girl again, now that I looked at her she did look like y/n.....I made up my mind, this was y/n..just.......different..... "listen, y/-" "like I said, its Autumn Leaf now kid" she interrupted. I paused before continuing, taking a small step towards her. I could feel Jack and Mabels gaze burning holes into my back, "ok,autumn, you were y/n-" she opened her mouth to interrupt but i put my hand up, silencing her. "You just dont remember. You were y/n before you-" suddenly her right eye flashed this( ciel_phantomhive_eye_by_deathn ) and she dropped to her knees in pain. We all gasped and rushed to her side, but she yelled at us, looking up. We all gasped again as we saw her eyes. They were a violent looking red, but but with a ring of grey in the red.(something like this- ) her pupils were dialated and she looked angry and... Almost afraid..
Suddenly, I found my self blown to the ground by agust of air. I coughed, waving my hand infront of my face to clearaway the dust. Once it cleared I looked up the see y/-, autumns figure flying away. I looked to Jack and Mabel and hurried over. "Jack,what happened?!" I questioned. He shook his head,limping a bit towards Mabel. I walked/limped besides him as he started talking. "She freaked out... And something appeared on her eye.." He sighed in frusturation. "This is so not fun....." I heard him mutter. I opened my mouth to say a sarcastic retort when I saw Mabel. "Mabel!" I yelled, pushing my strength to run to her. I slid on my next to her as soon as I was close enough. "Mabel-" I gasped. She was knocked out, with a few sscrapes on her hands where, I guessed, she had tried to stop herself from flying backwards. I groaned. 'Great, now what are we gonna do...'

Jacks pov.

I put ahand on Mabels shoulder, signalling her to not jump forward and glomp y/n. Suddenly I heard y/n say something, "like I said, its Autumn Leaf now kid." I looked over to see her speaking to Dipper. Looks like I missed something.... "ok,autumn, you were y/n-" she opened her mouth to interrupt but he put his hand up, silencing her. "You just dont remember. You were y/n before you-" suddenly her right eye flashed and she dropped to her knees in pain.
We all gasped and rushed to her, but she started yelling.
"GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU CAUSED THIS! GAAHHHH!" she held her head in pain but i saw what she was also about to do. "MABEL, DIPPER, LOOK OU-" suddenly I was pushed back to the ground, along with Mabel and dipper. I groaned but stood up, I could understand Mabel didn't notice, i was standing in front of her but dipper was right there! He also shouldve seen it coming... "Jack, what happened?!" 'Speak of the..' "She freaked out... And something appeared on her eye.." I tried to explain but I was frusturated. Both with Dipper, and with whats happened so far. "This is so not fun....." I muttered.

​​​​​​Your pov.

I flew away at a fast pace, only angry thoughts going threw my mind. 'Ugh, the losers. Why did they have to get too close. Now my head hurts'-" wait.... Those aren't my thoughts.." I muttered. "I need a mirror" I said 'ugh, why can't a have a-' I ignored my rude thoughts when a mirror suddenly appeared in my hands. I looked at my eyes as i continued to fly forward, going north. My eyes kept flashing between a deep red, greay, purple, and some sort of star shaped symbol... Although that onqs only in my right eye. I frowned in confusion. "What..." I cut myself off when suddenly the color changing started to slow down. I realized stopped flying and glanced down to see where I was. I was definently not Oregon that's for sure... Wait how did i know it was Oregon? I shrugged. "Oh well..." I looked back up atth mirror to see my eyes slowly fade into reddish color. I looked closer andsmiledslmightly at what i saw. Inside the reddish orbs were yellow, orange and brown.......leaves. Yellow, orange, and brown leaves. I grinned, feeling much better now then I did before. "now, where exactly am i.."said, humming a random tune as I looked around. I looked down and saw only clouds, however, so I flew down. Not knowing what I'd find on the other side.

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