Chapter 5

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Your pov.
I could feel Mabel, Dipper, and Jacks eyes on me as I walked away. I knew I was acting out of character and I needed to pull my act together, and fast. I stopped, took a deep breath, and turned around. Giving them the fake smile that I gave everybody. I didn't worry about them seeing through my fake happiness because no one ever did. "Well, are you guys just gonna stand there or do I have to drag you back myself?" I joked. That seemed to snap them out of it as they smiled and ran to catch up with me."so, which way now Dipper?" I asked raising an eye brow. "O-oh, uh, this way",he said, stuttering slightly. 'He's so cute when he stutters!' I thought. 'Wait what! I did NOT just think that..' I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt a burning feeling in my left wrist. I bit my lip so I didnt hiss out in pain. My wrist was wrapped up in white tape so nobody could see the mark when I wore short sleeves, as well as any other types of shirts... I was to busy trying not to scream to realize we just arrived at the Mystery Hack, well, Mystery Shack. The 'S' fell off... I heard Mabel sqweel, " AHHHH Y/N, YOU HAVE TO MEET MY PET PIG WADDLES!!!! HE IS SOOOOO CUTE, COME ON YOU HAVE O MEET HIM!!!!!!!" Mabel screamed. I winced slightly at her voice, and also because my scar was starting to burn more.... 'Well today just got even weirder...' I thought, following Mabel's path of destruction to her and dippers room.

Dippers pov.
i was walking in with y/n in front of me and jack behind me when suddenly I heardbmabel sqweel then scream,
" AHHHH Y/N, YOU HAVE TO MEET MY PET PIG WADDLES!!!! HE IS SOOOOO CUTE, COME ON YOU HAVE O MEET HIM!!!!!!!" I saw her wince a little at mabels high pitched screaming before she sighed and started to follow the path of destruction Mabel left behind. I turned around to see the snow man himself hit his ears, "aw man, your sisters gonna make me deft, shorty" "SHORTY?" I yelled in protest at the nickname, my voice cracking slightly. "Well, your a snow man!",I said back to him as he laughed. But boy did that make him stop laughing. He glared at me before he opened his mouth to speak when an angels voice interior him. "Hey guys, you gonna come up here or stand around all day?", y/n teased. I pushed jack before running up the steps, and going into the room and locking the door. Mabel and y/n just started at me while I sat there with my back leaning against the door. "Oooooook",Mabel said, then decided to break the awkward silence. "SODOYOUGUYSWANTOWATCHAMOVIEBECAUSEIHAVETHEPERFECTONEWHATDOYOUTHINKY/N?IHAVEAAWESOMEWEREWOLFANDVAMPIREMOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mabel screamed. I looked over at y/n just as jack hopped threw the window and fake yawned and slung his arm around his shoulder. I glarred at him while he just smirked, and said. " actually I'm a bit tired, what about you,snowflake" he asked. Getting far to close for my liking.

Your pov.
I was about to answer Mabel's question when suddenly, someone yawned beside me and flung an arm over my shoulder. I looked over to see jack smirking down at me. " actually I'm a bit tired, what about you,snowflake" he purred the last part in my ear. I made a face, 'so he was the flirty kind huh? Well I'll change that..' I thought with a smirk. "Quite your flirting frosty, you don't even know me" I said walking over to my makeshift bed that Mabel helped me make. "But, to answer your question, yeah I'm a bit tired so goodnight" I said, basically talking to every one. I heard some shuffljng around and I looked up to see every one in bed and jack turning off the lights. I turned towards the wall and tried to stay awake so I didn't get a nightmare. Suddenly I felt cool hands spoon me from behind. "Jack, what are you doing",I said, with slight agitation in my voice. "I'm sleeping" he said with a shrug"with me?" I said in a why-the-heck-why sort of voice. "Mmhmm" he said, pulling me closer. I felt a small blush rise to my cheeks before I spoke",don't you have guardian duties?" I question, turning around to face him. I looked past him, however, and out the window as something caught my eye. "Jack what's that?" I questioned. He made an annoyed face before opening his eyes and looking out the window. His eyes widened. " shoot!" He whisper shouted. And with that he was gone. 'Time for my restless sleep' I thought to myself, before i, terrifyingly quickly, fell asleep.

A/n:how do you guys like it?

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