Chapter 29

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Your pov.

I let out a grunt as my face came in contact with the hard ground. Though, I didn't- no, I couldn't bring myself to think about it nor care that it happened. 'Pitch.. has my memories...' I voiced in my head. 'my.......memories-' "AUTUMN!!!!" I heard someone faintly yell. I blinked rapidly, not sure whether or not that was for real, or if it was just my mind...

"AUTUMN COME ON!" "AUTUMN?!" I felt a slight moment of confusion and, shaking my head I tried to focus on what was happening around me. I took a deep breath to see the ground beneath me. I was sitting, knees on the ground with my hands in front of my on the ground supporting me. 'wow, guess I really just spaced out there for a second.." I thought. ".......Autu-" "He has them." I spoke up, cutting off whoever was speaking. There was a pregnant pause before North spoke up. "We know Autumn... but we'll get them back, I promise." He said, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I stood up, Norths hand falling off in the processes. I was silent for a moment before speaking, "He thinks this is a game." I felt everyone's attention turn to me and I lifted up my head, a determined look on my face. "So I say we return the favor... lets make this into a game.. a game of chess per say..... we need to think ahead of Pitch, know his moves, and win.. So? If you were Pitch, what would be not only your next move, but the move after that?" I questioned.

~time skip brought to you by me eating icecream while watch a random movie~

still your pov.

We all decided to divide up. We knew that, if we were Pitch, we would have first gone to send bad dreams to children(as it was night). Which Sandy went to take care of as we figured out what the second was that he would do. He would attack another one of the guardians quote on quote "homes". So we all divided up into other peoples "homes". Jack and North were staying at Toothanias Palace, Tooth and Bunny were staying at the North Pole, and I was staying at Bunnies Warren. Mabel and Dipper as well stayed at the North Pole as of they didn't really have any proper training.

As I was flying I went over a town that looked strangely familiar, though I dismissed it. While I felt a sense that I had spent a good amount of time here, it wasn't a good feeling. In the far back of my mind, it was like someone or something was banging on a locked door, desperately telling me to get out of here. I shrugged it off and flew just a little bit faster, growing closer to the little park which would signify the end of the town, which is in Illinois.

As I flew over it, I stopped a bit jerkily when I heard someone call my name. Or rather, what the other guardians and twins seem to mistakenly call me. "_______!" The voice called. I spun in a circle, my head turning rapidly to find the cause of the voice. "________?" The voice called again. "th-that voice.. I know that-" "_______!?" The voice said, slight anger coming from the voice though my mind didn't processes that as I immediately flew forward towards the sound of the voice. After a minute or two I stopped and looked around. "where-" "_______!" a different voice- a male voice called out desperately.

I sped forward, arriving at a small cleared section in the woods with a bed in the middle, looking as though someone had already made a hole threw the middle. I landed on the ground next to it and leaned over to look in, just to be greeted with a deep, dark hole. "hmm... sword" I muttered, the sword immediately materializing into my awaiting hands. I gripped it with just my right hand, the point of the sword facing downwards as I tapped/hit/poked at some of the wood, a piece of it falling off and echoing down the hole. "_______?" The voice called again from the hole. My eyes widened and, with little hesitation, I jumped into the hole.

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