Chapter 23

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your pov.

'oh boy..' i thought. 'how did they find me?!' I glanced warily at North and, as if sensing my discomfort, without looking at me spoke up.(stopping Jack who was about to yell your name and squeeze you in a death grip hug) "ah! vhat do ve has vere!" he spoke. "Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, and Jack Frost! all on the Nice List!" he said, pointing to the the girl then the two boys as he said there names. "hey North, now thats an insult." the one, who i now know as 'Jack' said. North chuckled, "i know Jack i know. NOW!" he exclaimed loudly, i jumped.

"Autumn, it appears these people know jou?" he asked in a questioning voice. i nodded hesitently. "yes it appears they do..." i said trailing off. "ah good. so can jou tells me vhy the Pine twins are here?" he whispered.(even tho everyone heard what he said and facepalmed) i shook my head. "they know me but i know them." "so how did they get here? they shouldnt have been able to see the Northern Lights!" he whisper shouted while you just spoke aloud. "well i didnt-" "shhhhh!" north cut you off. "theyll hear you!" (author facepalms with everyone else in the backround) i rolled my eyes but whispered anyways. "well i didnt bring them, and it looked like the used a portal." at this he frowned. 'but i didnt give them on-" "ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahha!" a miniacle laugh cut us off.

The guardians and me all got into a defensive postion and made a circle around..what were there names? magle and dibber? maple and dopper?? oh wait! Mabel and Dipper! that was it! (*flips table*) 'sword' i thought. it appeared in my hand and i gripped it firmly, holding it infront of me. we heard Mabel scream as she pointed to the globe. "WAHHHH! AUTUMN WHOS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" she screamed in my ear. i winced and nudged her back and stood a bit taller, blocking her veiw.

i looked up to the globe and made eye contact with a man, just for my head to feel a searing pain. i whimpered and almost fell to the ground, i started holding my head. "oh poor little y/n.... of course, its Autumn now isnt it?" the man sneered. "What a tragity it would be if you fell" he said. i screamed and fell to my knees from the pain. "Y/- AUTUMN!" they all seemed to shout. but the pain is so bad that i cant tell. After what felt like hours but was really only a few minutes ,Jack(at least you tought it was Jack, you couldnt tell) came into your vision. "just hold on Autumn, everything will be ok. just hold on..........." his voice faded out as i myself faded into darkness.

jacks pov.

i gave a low growl as Pitch seemed to ignore us and speak to Autumn. "oh poor little y/n.... of course, its Autumn now isnt it?" he sneered. i glared and was about to attack him when i was held back by an unknown force. 'stay still Jack, youll get your time to help in a minute.' It was manny(Man in Moon) 'WHAT?! BUT SHE NEEDS M- OUR HELP NOW!' i screamed in my mind. i moved my eyes towards Autumn again and struggled more. "What a tragity it would be if you fell' pitch said. Autumn screamed and suddenly we could all move i automatially went and attacked Pitch with the others, only for him to dissapear. "Until next time, guardians" he said our title in disgust.

i automatically flew over to Autumn and put her head in my lap. "just hold on Autumn, everything will be ok. just hold on. Were gonna help you just-" i felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see North. "come on jack, we need to bring her to zhe hospital vroom on zhe second floors" i nodded and stood up with her in my arms, carrying her bridle style.(awwww! y/n! its so cute! you:*blushes* s-shut up.. me:*squeels a little*)

~~~time skip brought to you by lil dirk who sips it Dirk Strider ~~~

Dippers pov.

i had been a bit jelouse when jack had picked up Autumn like that, but was more concerned for her health then anything else. i had just walked into her room and brought a chair next to her bed side. i sat down and studied her with a sigh. what did that man, who i was told was Pitch, do? Did he know her? mabye Autumn could answer our questions when she woke up. then again she didnt seem to have any of her memories... i groaned and dropped my head low. what were we going to do??

mabels pov.

i was siting in a room next to the 'Globe Room' with North, Tooth, Sandy, Bunnymud, and Jack. i had gotton to know them while we were waiting for y/n to wake up. Dipper had just left to go check on her for a little bit. Our seating was like this.













/north/jack/(you would go here if you were there)

i blushed slightly as i sat next to Bunnymud. 'why am i blushing? you may ask. probably because i had one to many glases of Mabel Juice..... either that or i had a small cr- NO no! i cant have a crush can i? of course i can! but i need to make sure......

dipper x reader x ???Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang