Chapter 17

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Mabels pov.

As jack and Dipper continued sobbing, I stopped crying due to being stunned into silence. Y/n is dead........y/n.. is dead........... My mind had trouble processing this. she cant be dead....can she??. Y/n, besides Candy and Grenda, was my bestfriend. She was like a sister to me. Even though we hardly knew each other, I had always felt that we some how bonded like sisters. Even if we hadn't acted on it yet and got super close. So for y/n to die......well, it definitely came as a shock. I sat there in silence, barely noticing night time fall upon us.

pitchs pov.(something tells me your hate for him just grew 10x stronger XD)

I cackled evilly as I teleported back to my lair. "oh the look of despair on there faces!" I exclaimed to my nightmare. It snorted in reply but I ignored it. i went outside and looked up to the sky at Man in Moon. i smirked, "I'm ready to bring her into darkness old friend. Are your Guardians?"

Dippers pov.

me, mabel, and Jack all sat in our room in silence. All of us mourning the death of Y/n. ......y/n...... I sighed. even her name brought tears to my eyes. We had left y/n where she was and was going to go burry her tomorrow. When we came back home after an hour of crying we told Stan what happened. He said we would burry her tomorrow and for now to cover her with a blanket. I snapped my head up when i realized we forgot to do that. "g-guys-" my voiced cracked from crying so much. i coughed and continued. "we forgot to cover y/n, we should probably go do that. Mabel nodded and stood but Jack just sat there, his face slowly forming one of happiness and anxiousness. "GUYS!" he suddenly burst up. Me and mabel stared at him in shock. Whats got him so happy? y/n's dead. Jack started laughing in pure happiness and flew around the room. Me and Mabel exchanged confused and worried looks. what was going on?

Jacks pov.

I sat on the edge of Dippers bed, deep in thought.I was thinking about what Pitch said, '"-But look on the bright side, you found the prophecy girl-" wait, prophecy girl. The prophecy said:
There is a girl
Who abides in many places
All unknown
With a heart of gold
But a voice of steel
Fun. Tree. Sleep. Fall.
Her FALL will be the end, and beginning of her all.
I felt a small spark in me as I thought- y/n is a girl........ shes been to several places, heck shes even been to Neverland..... and we don't even know where else shes been.........I gave a small smile. she definently has a heart of gold, I grinned and a voice of steel........ I gasped. "GUYS!" I shouted, bursting up from my seat. I laughed in merriment and started flying circles around the room. The looked at each other in confusion, and a bit of worry. no doubt wondering what I was so happy about. I stopped in front of them "THE PROPHECY GIRL!" they looked at me in confusion. "uh...what about the prophecy girl......." dipper said. I shook his shoulders violently "DONT YOU GET IT! SHES IT! SHES THE PROPHECY GIRL!!" "who?" mabel said with curiosity. "Y/N!!! Y/N IS THE PROPHECY GIRL! ugh, how didn't we notice this before! it was so obvious! Shes a girl, shes been anywhere and everywhere, she has a heart of gold, AND a voice of steel!" I cut my self off from saying the next part. I took a deep breath. "and-....and y/n was having fun....sitting in the tree while hiding........she fell and went into a seemingly eternal sleep...................." we all remained silent for a couple seconds while we let this sink in. Y/n was the prophecy girl, and she was alive.

IMPORTANT A/N: hey guys! so I made a few changes to the begging of this book. for instance you are 16 instead of 13. I know I know I should've told you earlier but it kept slipping from my mind. Also I changed the information box thingy(forgot the name XD) that you read for like a preview of the book. anyways, that's it. have a good day! :)

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