Chapter 22

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Bunnymuds pov.

I was busy painting eggs for next years Easter when suddenly I felt that the Northern lights were a glowing. I set down the egg and dashed to the surface to see the Northern Lights. I smirked. "Heh, looks like I was right" I tapped my foot onto the ground and fell into it, going to the North Pole.

Toothanias pov.

I was busy, ahem, fangirling over a just perfect cuspid when Baby Tooth suddenly came up to me. "Ohh! Baby Tooth just look at this beautiful cuspid! She flossed and used mouth wash! She-" I was interrupted when Baby Tooth cut me off by pointing off into the distance. I snapped my head up "oh! Come on girls. North wants us!" I said, and we quickly zoomed off.

Sandy's pov.

I was smiling as I sent a dream with a unicorn in it to a little girl in Burgess. Suddenly I noticed a faint glow and looked up and North ward. I saw the Northern Lights. My eyes widened and I quickly sent out more dreams as i made my way over to the North pole.

Jacks pov.

Me and Dipper had just finished wrapping up Mabel's ankle and had woken her up. We had her stand up and try walking and, as it turns out, it wasn't that bad! She could walk, for the most part, on her own. And we were trying to think of ways tofind Autumn when i saw the Northern Lights. I stood up and was about to leave when dipper grabbed my wrist. I looked back at him and he had a determined look. "Only people who are supposed to come cansee it, correct?" He stated. I raised an eyebrow in urprise before answering.,"yep, why? Can you ee it?" I asked, a bit dumbfounded. mabel and dipper nodded. "We see it, but it keeps saying, "follow it"!" Mabel exclaimed. Dipper held up, a globe?! "These appeared in our hands.",he stated. I sighed and said "whisper North Pole, crash iton the ground, and walk threw the portal. I'll fly there." And with that, I flew off.

Your pov.

I stood, albeit a bit awkwardly with North as we waited for "some friends of his". As he had stated. I looked around and found my attention caught on the moon in the sky. I kept staring at it,feeling a strong connection to it. I was caught out of my trance, however, when someone cleared there throat. I looked over to see a giant, kangaroo looking bunny, a man made out of golden sand, and a flying hummingbird hybrid. I smiled sheepishly and gave a small wave. "Autumn! This is da Guardians of Childhood!" North exclaimed. He suddenly frowned. "Except for jack...he's always late..."

They all suddenly broke out, all, North and the Bunny fighting. The hummingbird/human hybrid sudeenly flew up to me at a quick pace. "Oh hi!!! My name is Toothania! But youan call me Tooth!" I flew up a bit "um-" I suddenly heard her squeel. "Eeee! Your teeth are so pretty! You've flossed and everything!" She exclaimed like a crazed fangirl. I tried to answer but couldn't due to her fingers being in my mouth. "And your teeth are even prettier then Jacks! Oh I think were going to be best friends!" She squealed, still poking around in my mouth.

"Tooth, hands out of the mouth" North said. "Oops! Sorry!" She said as she smiled at me and backed away. I gave her a small smile and turned towards North and the bunny, just to see two portals open. We all stared, prepared to fight when the two kids from earlier came out. I stared in shock and held my hands out in front of me. "Woah woah... How did you find me-","autumn your here?!-","AUTUMN!" we all stared at each other for a minute when the air suddenly got colder and... The other boy from earlier came in...... Great..

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