Chapter 36

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Aiden Pov

"I kinda hate that yal moved,I'm gonna miss yal,definitely my nieces."Ashlen said as she helped me unpack stuff into the girls and I new house. "You know we'll be there every night cause I'm sho'nuff not cooking."I said.She rolled her eyes and laughed."You need to learn."she said."Well I'm thankful I finally decided to move out,cause them girls some wild sleepers, but I wouldn't trade that for anything."I said."Aww,I can't believe as big as that bed was yal was always crammed up in one spot."Ashlen said."They just wanna be up under me that's all, how much you wanna bet if I don't say nothing about them sleeping in they room,They'll sleep in my room." I said."I know for sure they will."Ashlen said.
It's been two weeks I've been living here and my people already controlling who can and who can't come to MY house.Like they tryna check me.

"So you and Gigi a thing?"Ashlen said as she braided Ana'Maria's hair."Why you asking?"I said."Cause I seen her here on Instagram,why she was here." Ashlen said."Ok one picture automatically means we a thing now or we fu**ing,But this is my house I can let anybody come over if I want to.I respect your house and didn't bring nobody over but now I have my own and I can bring who I want."I said."Bruh anybody who saw the picture she posted in your bathroom would think yal was fu**ing or a couple again, did you even see the picture?"Ashlen said as she stopped what she was doing and looked at me."Nah let me see."I said. Ashlen went on her phone and searched for Gigi's Instagram. She then showed me the picture.

"Da** she bad, oh wow I didn't know she took that picture I wasn't even home then, I wish I was there  cause I would have really done what yal think we doing

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"Da** she bad, oh wow I didn't know she took that picture I wasn't even home then, I wish I was there  cause I would have really done what yal think we doing." I said as Bit my bottom lip and pretended like she was bouncing on my Jr."Ohh I'm so proud to say I hit that."I said as I imagined the time we use to fu**."So mouthafu**ing nasty, so where were you and the girls when she took this picture?Why she was here while you was gone in the first place?How many times she been here?"Ashlen said."Why the fu** you questioning me like you my bit** ?She can do whatever the fu** she wanna do in MY house.If she wanna walk butt-naked In MY house, While I'M NOT HOME she can do that-" I said before someone unlocked the door. Gigi came walking in."Wow she has a key."Ashlen said."Shut up Ashlen,she just got the copy of the key to give it to you,but I don't even think I want you to have it anymore. Gigi keep the key,you can come whenever you want.You can walk around naked in my house too."I said before walking out the house.

Gigi Pov

"You can have the key,I don't want it."I said as handed Ashlen the key."Thank you,is it ok if I ask why you always here?"Ashlen said as she took the key.I sighed ,showed her a bruise on my shoulder,and said"Whenever my boyfriend gets drunk he can get a little scary. Usually push me around sometimes and physically and emotionally hurt me so since I have nobody to run to such as a family I just come over and go in the room in the back." Ashlen showed a look of sympathy and said "I'm sorry to hear that. You are welcomed to my place too and you can call me if you ever need someone to talk to,and if he touch you again Call me I'll come and beat his a**. I'm proud of my brother for lending a home to stay for you.But are yal doing it?" "Thank you And no not at all,isn't he talking to a girl named Cassie ,I'm not sure if they're buddies or if they talking,but she always here or he's always at her place . But they act more like cousins then couples."I said."Oh my gosh I knew he was gonna talk to her acting like he not interested around us."Ashlen said."Yea Cassie and Daddy are buddies."Ana'Maria said."Quick question, where is my daughter."I asked."Ana'Maria had the flu and Ava'Marie was making a huge fit on how she didn't want to be sick since her school was going on a field trip so she asked to come over my house so Aiden took her over there and he might be picking her and Aja'Mariane up."she said."Ava'Marie is such a drama queen."I said laughing."She really is."Ashlen agreed as she laughed.

Aiden Pov

On my way picking up Ava and Aja I get a call from mama.

Phone Call

Me-Wassup ma

Ma-What is Gigi doing at your house talking pictures half naked in your bathroom ?

Ashlen such a snitch

Me-Ma someone else is on the line let me call you later.


Me-Uhh Cassie I'll call you later.

Ma-Alright bye love you

Me-love you too bye
End of phone call

Man if my dad end up calling me with this bs I'm throwing my phone out the car. Luckily dad didn't call.I really thought I could avoid my mother, but right when I walked in the house mom and dad was at Ashlen's place. No way I can get out of this."Son, come sit lets talk." Ma said."Ma I don't have time I have to pick up Aja'Mariane and get them home, get the girls ready for bed since they have school in the morning.And plus its already around 9, Ava'Marie's bedtime. So we'll talk later.Ava'Marie lets go."I said."Well I'll call when you get home. Try ignoring my call if you want to."Ma said.I sighed and said"Yes Ma'am." Ava'Marie and I then went to pick up Aja'Mariane."You and Your other babymama back together."Lea said when I first walked in."Oh my fu**ing gosh Nooo.!" I said."Daddy stop cursing."Ava'Marie said as she punched my arm.I then lightly pushed her."Well ok then.....Aja'Mariane already been fed and bathed so she'll be sleep in the most definitely. "Lea said as I put Aja in her carseat."Aight see ya later."I said. Making it back home,which is quite odd,ma called right when I step foot into my house."Da**."I said under my breath before answering.

Phone Call

Me-Hey ma

Ma-Hey Biggie, is there something you want to tell me.

Me-Yes,I do not go out nor mess around with Gigi. I don't want no further questions dealing with her. We just friends as simple as it can be. I'm sorry ma,but if  all you can talk about is Gigi I'm gonna have to end this call.I have better things to do then talk about some other man's girlfriend.Pretty sure Ashlen got all the info.

Ma-Well alright biggie, good night I love you.

Me-Love you too bye

End of phone call

ME AND GIGI NOT TOGETHER NOR ARE WE FU**ING! Alright so let somebody say something about that sh*t again.

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