Mommy London

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London Pov

Bringing the boys into the house, Alonzo said"You don't have to worry about me if you just let me stay in the game room and don't bother me."

"Uh ok."I said closing the door as I held Amari who was sleeping.

Moment SJ walked in the house, he was already running around the house with his toy airplane.

"Whoa there Pilot calm down with the running. Just walk. Planes don't even go that fast."

"Where's the game room?" Alonzo asked.

"Turn right and the first room . Keep it clean in there please."I said walking to the sofa.

I sat down in hopes of taking a nap like Amari was on my chest, but SJ thought my forehead was the best place to land his plane.

"SJ get the plane off me before I break it."

The kid didn't listen,so I grabbed it and threw it across the room. He giggled and said "It flew on its own. Do it again"

He ran and got it, bringing it back to me and rolling it on my forehead. I threw it again, but further. Giving me time to go back to sleep , but seconds later the toy plane was thrown at me, hitting me dead in my forehead.

"Little boy, I will beat ya ass.Don't you dare throw it at me again."I said as calm as possible.

"You can't beat me you're not my mommy."he said.

"I'm your mommy today."I said.

"No you're not."he said.

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"I want to go home to my real mommy ."

"You are home and I'm your real mommy."

"Your name isn't Ashlen."he said.

"Of course its not, my name is mommy ."I said back.

"You're not my mommy!"he said.

"Should I call Ashlen and tell her you're talking back."

"Noooo."he said running to the game room.

Now I was able to do what Amari was doing. Sleeping.

An hour later Aiden came home waking Amari and I up, by being loud.

On the phone laughing he said "You're so funny, I had a great time with you this evening. I would not mind going on another date with you.... alright beautiful see you Friday."

Hanging up he looked at me."What is Amari doing here?"

"Ashlen had me take care of the boys, so that I know what it's like to raise boys. Alonzo and SJ are in the game room. So you going on dates now?"I said.

"Oh ok and don't question what I was doing, you just my baby mama."he said heading to the game room.

I just rolled my eyes and started playing with Amari. He's a easy 8 month old baby. Hopefully our son isn't the opposite.

Aiden came back with  the boys on his shoulders. "You should learn how to watch kids under 8 SJ had the whole game room dirty and his older brother Alonzo was too busy playing video games to notice what he was doing."Aiden said.

"Why you telling me? Instead of having them clean it up."I said.

"Oh of course they cleaned it up. I'm just wondering how you going to watch a child if the child is in another room?"Aiden said.

"They are old enough to know what's wrong and right, I know you allow them to do whatever they want as long as they don't bother you. So don't try chastising me."I said.

He left and didn't respond. Tryna check me? Oh hell no.

Amari and I went to the kitchen so I could feed him.

While feeding Amari, I looked out the window watching Aiden play with the boys. It was so heartwarming. Besides him being him, he's such a good father and Uncle to the kids. You can tell All the kids love him.

They were outside for hours, didn't come in until dinner time. I ordered pizza for us. So good thing boys aren't picky eaters.

We all ate at the table and socialized. It was a nice bonding moment.

Man boys eat a lot. I only had one slice of pizza and they went through it.

After dinner the boys showered up. I just laid Amari down for bed. SJ was in the bath tub for far too long. Went to check on him and he laying in the water.

"SJ what's going on?"I asked.

"I'm learning how to float on my back."he said.

"I don't think it works like that, but come on lets get out the bathtub. You don't want to become a raisin."

"I can turn into a raisin!"he said.

"Look at your fingers."I said.

He started crying "I'm turning to a raisin, I don't want to be a raisin."

"It's figuratively speaking you're not really turning to a raisin.You're just wet. Come let me dry you."I said holding the towel for him. He ran into the towel and I dried him off.

After that we got ready for bed.

"I'm not ready to go to bed."SJ said.

"Me either."Alonzo cosigned.

"Sounds like a personal problem, Ashlen told me yal have a bed time. So go head and get in bed."I said.

The huffed and stomped to the guest room they was sleeping in.

Once they were in bed, Amari ended up waking up crying.

I went to check on him. He's standing up holding on to the crib just crying for attention. So I picked him up and took him to my room . Holding him until he went back to sleep. Right when I tried to put him back in the crib, he woke up so I just let him sleep with me.

Minutes later SJ came into my room. I let him get in bed with me, but Aiden came in.

"Stephen, go back to the room you to big for allat."Aiden said.

Sj frowned and got out of the bed. "He's fine he can stay in here." I said.

"No he knows not to try that at my house, He's not bout to be babied. Ashlen and Stephen baby him, but I'm not."Aiden said.

Jeez he's gonna give tough love to our son. I can see it already.

Amari woke up and reached his arms out for Aiden to get him.

Aiden picked him up and kissed all over his cheek taking him to his room. Well I guess there's still a sweet side to him.

It was pretty easy taking care of the boys if you ask me.

Can't wait til our little bundle of joy comes.

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