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Aiden pov

London was gone for a trip, so I was home with the kids alone.

Something like this would happen when it's just me alone.

"Daddy, Ava says she's dying!" Ana said crying as Aja followed by crying.

"What do you mean she's dying?" I said.

"I don't know come on daddy, she's in the bathroom, hurry before she dies. I don't want my sister to die." She cried.

I ran to the bathroom. Zaida was guarding the door. "Daddy, you should call the ambulance. I  didn't look in all the way but I think I seen blood and she was crouched on the floor in pain crying."

"Ok." I said.

I walked in and walked right out. I don't do blood.
She had her panties all out on the floor with blood on it, blood in and on the toilet, and she was just laid out on the floor butt all out.

"Daddy I need help, I'm in PAIN!" Ava yelled.

"Ava I can't, I don't do blood." I said becoming jumpy. Moving side to side.

"Daddy you gotta help her!" Zaida said. Meanwhile Aja and Ana just standing there crying.

"Uh ok ok." I said as I paced a little.

"Ava, can you get up?"I asked.

"No, I can't move I'm in pain."

"Uuhh , I'mma get you uh uh ibuprofen." I said running downstairs.

In the kitchen, I stayed down there, with hopes everything goes away, she gets up and goes about her day. "If you pretend it's not there, it'll go away." I said repeatedly, pacing back and forth in the kitchen .

"Daddy!!" She screamed.

"Ahhh I'm coming." I said grabbing the ibuprofen out the medicine cabinet and grabbing a bottle of water.

I ran upstairs back to the bathroom.

"Zaida give this to your sister." I said.

"I'm not going in there ." She said.

I looked at the minis and they shook their head no.

So what I did was open the door slightly so my arm can fit through it and threw the stuff in there and immediately closed the door.

"What next..." I said to myself.

I honestly didn't know what to do. We were all just standing outside the bathroom door looking at each other.

Only thing I can think of is how Ashlen handled it.

Call Ma.

Phone Call

Ma K- hey wassup babe

Me- Ma, I need you to come here Asap. Ava is in here bleeding and in pain. I think she started her period.

Ma K - Mmm ok , I'm on the way.

Me- Ok thanks see you then

Ma K - Alright *hangs up*

End phone call

"Ava Nana K is on the way ok." I said.

"Ok."she moaned in pain.

I went to get Ali from his room since he started crying and stood right back at the door. We all sat at the door anxiously waiting for Ma K to come.

When she showed up she came with tampons and pads.

"Babe you didn't know this was your period didn't you learn this in school at least?" Ma K said as she walked in the bathroom and closed the door.

" I thought it at first but I seen a lot of blood on my panties, when I peed, and everytime I wipe more and more came. Then I was in pain terrible pain. I didn't think I'll bleed out this much on a period nor be in pain." Ava replied.

"I understand why you could think it was more than just a period. You're just a heavy bleeder " Ma K responded before we all left them to be.

Mama called as soon as I sat down with Ali.

Phone call

Me- hey mama.

Mama- how you doing baby boy

Me- I'm good just had to go through a big scene with Ava.

Mama- what is it. Is she being disobedient, do I need to talk to her.

Me- oh no, her period started and she turned it too a big deal because she didn't think it was a period with how much she was bleeding.

Mama- Where's London?

Me- out of town.

Mama- so who's there to help? Do you need me to come?

Me- Ma K is here, I called her, she's taking care of it.

Mama- Why didn't you call me?

Me- I didn't give thought to it, I was in panic mode

Mama- So in a time of panic, Me, your mother, would have not been called.

Me- Ma it's still taking adjustment knowing that you're here now. My decision was not made to offend you. I froze, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. First thing came to mind was what did Ashlen do when she started her period . She called Ma K. Thats what I did. I'm sorry if that offended you, next time I make sure I come to you.

Mama- Yea Alright. One thing I can say is I'm so grateful for Kae. She's a real ass friend. I'm glad to have her in my life. But I gotta go, I'll talk to you later son.

Me- Alright ma, I love you

Mama- I love you too, bye.

End of phone call.

Ava came in my room and said, "Dad I'm a woman now, and I expect be treated like one."

I chuckled and said "well a few minutes ago you was acting like a baby, how it change that quick?"

" a few minutes ago you was acting like a scared kid, you have NO space to talk." She said before walking off.

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