Is she dead?

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4/5th January 1890

Just as Sebastian was closing Ciels
door after another long day of being the queens guard dog, he heard a loud thump in the garden. Sighing Sebastian went to see what it was. He saw a girl with long black hair laying in between the white roses.
"Who are you?" He said loudly, not wanting to wake his master by shouting. There was no reply, he went up to her and saw that she had cuts all over from the bushes. Sebastian picked her up and took her cold body into the warm and to the guest bedroom.
"I'll deal with you when the young lord wakes."

That morning after breakfast Sebastian took Ciel to see the young girl he found in the white rose bush.
"Is she dead?" He asked as soon as they entered the room.
"No she's alive just unconscious."
"Where did she come from?"
"I'm sorry master, I do not know. We should wait until she wakes."
"Sebastian this is an order, stay with her. When she wakes ask her everything then come and tell me."
"Yes my lord."

An hour later Zoë woke and the first thing she saw was a pair of pink eyes in her face.
"What the fuck?" She said quickly sitting up.
"We should wash your mouth out for that. Who are you?" The man sat back and Zoë could get a good look at him. He took on the appearance of a tall, handsome adult with black hair, now red eyes, and pale skin. He was in a butlers outfit, which consisted of black trousers, a six button double-breasted tailcoat and a grey vest. He had a crest on his shirt cuffs and tie. He also sports white gloves, a pocket watch and a chained silver lapel pin bearing the crest.
"Zoë. Who are you? Where the fuck am I?"
"My name is Sebastian, you are currently in the guest bedroom at the Phantomhive estate. Why were you in the garden last night?"
"What? The last thing I remember was running away from a rapist and opening a hotel door."
"I just want to ask you a few questions. Know why you were in the garden."
"I don't fucking know. Like I said the last thing I remember is being at a hotel." She rose her voice.
He sighed, "Shall we start again? From the beginning. It may help."
"Ok. But first I need a drink."
"Did you know manners cost nothing? I'll get you some water."
"Thanks." She sharply replied.

Zoë trappedWhere stories live. Discover now