Winning and an interesting evening

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19th January 1890

"Zoë I have heard that your birthday is tomorrow. Is that correct?" Ciel asked as he moved his chess piece.
"That is correct. I will be turning 16 tomorrow." She replied, then muttered "I wonder what I would of done if I was at home?"
"I don't know you well enough to answer that. But if you would like we can hold a small get together for you."
"That was be nice. Thank you." Zoë moved a piece "check mate."
This shocked Ciel, "you beat me."
"All of that practice with Sebastian finally paid off."
Sebastian came in with tea, "you finally did it." He said handing Zoë and Ciel a cup.
"You had help from Sebastian?"
"We have played many games and each time I have tried a different approach. As I wasn't getting anywhere, I asked for a little help." Zoë explained taking a sip of earl grey tea.
"Sebastian. We are going to have a small get together for Zoës birthday tomorrow. Please invite Lady Elizabeth and some others."
"Yes, my lord." Sebastian left the room to go and invite some people.
"I must excuse myself, I should help with dinner preparations. I'm sure you have some things to do before dinner." Zoë stood up and left the room, leaving a half empty cup of tea.

Zoë made her way to the kitchen and put on her purple apron. She enjoyed doing this the most out of all of the things she helped with.
"What's for dinner tonight?" Zoë asked, washing her hands.
"Beef." She heard but it wasn't Baldroy, she turned and saw Sebastian standing in front of her,
"Evening Sebastian. Where did Baldroy get to?"
"I gave him a break. It will be me and you doing dinner this evening."
"Ok. What shall I do first?"
"The beef needs to come out of the oven. Do that."
Zoë took the beef out and placed it down, Sebastian gave her a sharp knife and told her to cut.
"What are you going to do?" Zoë asked, seeing that Sebastian was just standing there.
"Me? I am going to throw this knife at you." And he did.
Zoë ducked, "why did you do that?"
"I thought it would amuse me. Throw that knife at me." So Zoë did, Sebastian caught it.
"Can we carry on with dinner?" Zoë asked taking the knife back and continued to cut.
"Ok." Sebastian went to cutting some vegetables like nothing had happened.

Once dinner was ready and Zoë had done the table she took of her apron and hung it up. She went to find Ciel in his study. May-Rin was washing the floor outside of his study. Zoë slipped on some water,
"Ahh," but before she fell to the ground a set of gentle hands caught her. Zoë looked up and saw Sebastian. He smiled and then dropped her onto the floor.
"Opps." He then went to get Ciel, who was just about to come out of his study to see what the noise was.
"Zoë, why are you on the floor?" Ciel asked.
"Ask him." She pointed at Sebastian.
"Zoë you slipped and fell. Come on we have dinner to eat." He held a hand out to her and she took it to get up, when Ciel wasn't looking Sebastian pushed Zoë back to the ground. He gave a devilish laugh and followed Ciel. What's up with him? Zoë wondered standing and going to the dinning room.

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