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13th January 1890

Zoë sat in the large library and next to her were 4 thick books on artists of the world. She had some paper to write the names on. Her lunch was brought to her by Sebastian as she read and wrote. Even though she was only meant to get names she also read up on the ones in London. Every bit of information was key.

Hours later, after the fourth book was finished. Zoë wanted to look up the victims. Ciel had left hours ago so she went to his study and found the files on his desk. All of the victims looked too innocent and young to be killed. The killer would want to make sure the children would not grow up and be a high status.
"He wants a high status. Killing the children will end the families."
"You're smarter than you look." Zoë looked up and saw Ciel.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."
"I understand what you did. Join me for tea and tell me what you found out."
Zoë gave Sebastian the list and told them the other things she found out.
"From what I learnt the list of suspects went from 300 to 50. They're the first names. I may be wrong though."
"I'll ask everyone but go into more detail with these." Sebastian said.
"Sebastian, go and ask everyone about this case. You can have three hours." Ciel said
"And dinner?"
"That was an order. Don't worry about that today."
"Yes my lord."

Zoë trappedWhere stories live. Discover now