Lunch and chess

273 10 0

5th January 1890

Zoë met Ciel in the dining room. She sat next to him, it was quiet. Ciel was a short boy who looked about thirteen years old. He had bluish-black hair and rich deep blue eyes. Ciel wore a black eye-patch with a single cord over his right eye. Ciel sports two rings: one, which was on his left thumb, was an ornate silver piece that held an emerald cut deep blue sapphire. The other was a gold signet ring in the form of the same crest on Sebastian. This ring was on his right hand. Zoë decided that the crest they both wore was the family crest.

"Miss Taylor, thank you for joining me for lunch. Sebastian told me what you told him, but I would like to ask some more questions."
"Of course. Please just call me Zoë."
"Ok, you may call me Ciel. First, tell me a little about yourself. What do you like to do?"
"I enjoy drawing, trying new teas, playing chess, reading, and going out with my friends."
"Care for a game of chess after lunch?"
"Sure, I haven't played in a while though."
Sebastian brought tea into the dinning room and placed a cup in front of Zoë. She picked up the cup and sniffed the tea,
"I know this smell, it's earl grey the best tea out there."
Ignoring her Ciel carried on, "You told Sebastian that your last memory was running into a hotel. And then you end up in my rose bush. Explain."
"It's true. I was running away from a man. He had hit me on the head, I saw black spots and fell as I opened the door. The next thing I know is that Sebastian has fucking pink eyes staring at me."
Ciel gave Sebastian a dirty look,
"Who did you used to live with?"
"My mum. No one knows who my dad is."
"You can stay until we know what happened. But I have one condition."
"You change the way you act and talk. I can't be seen with someone like you."
"I'll try."
"Sebastian and the others will help. First thing is that you will change."
"You don't like my jeans and top?"

Before they played chess Ciel made Zoë change. As she didn't have anything else Sebastian gave her an old purple dress that belonged to Lizzy. They were the same hight, so the dress fit. She found Ciel and sat down at the table where the chess board was set up,
"That's better. I'll get Sebastian to take you out tomorrow and get new clothes."
"You don't have to."
"I can't have someone like you ruining my family's reputation."
They started and didn't say a word until Sebastian came in to see why it was so quiet.
"I see, playing chess. Zoë you're good but will you beat Ciel?"
"I'm going to give it my best shot."
They played for an hour and were still not really getting anywhere.
"You are good Ciel."
"He plays nearly every guest we've had. Beating all of them." Sebastian told Zoë.
Half an hour later Ciel won. He then went somewhere and Zoë went back to her room and sat on the bed feeling bored. Sebastian came in,
"Ah Zoë, now you're staying here we need to teach you how to act properly."
Zoë stood up.
"Firstly and most importantly is how you talk. All this swearing is not good."
"I do try."
"You may try but it's not good enough. A good way to help is by saying a word similar to the swear words."
"Like fudge?" She interpreted.
"By doing this you won't be swearing and soon those new words will disappear as you learn to speak proper."
"Ok that should be easy, anything else?"
"Please and thank you. Such small words but they mean a lot. Say them all the time."
"Got ya."
"And none of that."
"Ok. Can I have some water please?" She asked.
"Wa'er where is the letter T? did it get lost?"
She sighed, "No, can I have some waTer please?"
"That's better and yes you can. I'll go and fetch some for you."
"Thank you Sebastian."
"See already getting there." And he walked out.
"This is going to be hard." Zoë told herself.

Zoë trappedWhere stories live. Discover now