Getting ready and the ball

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4th February 1890

Zoë spent most of the day getting ready. The ball was at six and it was now ten. And already Zoë had eaten breakfast, played a quick game of chess, lost the game of chess and jumped in the bath. While in the bath said washed her hair and scrubbed her body until it had turned red.

She dried herself and pulled on her dress. It was a short mint and brown dress, she fell in love with as soon as she saw it. It had long sleeves and the bottom was really similar to her black one from her birthday. The mint was on top and brown on the bottom. At the top there was a brown bow with a white gem in the centre. Once on and tied up she brushed her hair. It dried quickly like it had always done, Zoë loved having straight hair. She pinned it up with her new pin,  it had different flowers on and had other colours like pink, white and coral.  Zoë had to fight the pin to keep it in place. Zoë looked all over her room to find where she had put her earrings, when she found them they went in. It was rare that Zoë wore earings. They Were also mint and had a gold outline. The shoes were the last thing she needed to put on, they were cream boots with a small heel.

Later that night Lizzy came to pick her up,
"You look beautiful miss Zoë." May-Rin said. Finny came inside from the cold and saw Zoë.
Zoë left the manor with Lizzy and they went to the ball. Lizzy was wearing a long pink dress with netting along the top. It was an off shoulder dress. Her hair was in her normal pig tails and had a large pink flower in it. Her earings were also pink. Zoë tried to remember her shoes. They were white angle boots with lacing on the top.

They arrived at the ball and found lots of people had already arrived. Lizzy ran off to tell all of the women they had adorable dresses. Zoë stayed by the food until she came back.
"Aren't all the dresses here adorable?"
"They are ok I guess."
"You need to liven up."
They stayed for 2 hours before choosing to go home, they dropped Zoë at the manor and then left.
"Zoë you're home early." Sebastian said taking her coat.
"We got bored." Zoë told him walking to her room. She changed and put her things away,
"So many dresses"
Zoë laid down in the comfortable bed and fell asleep.

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