Birthday evening

159 4 0

20th January 1890

The dress that sat on the bed was just perfect for Zoë. It was black with white underneath, it had short sleeves and a small bow near one of the shoulders. Zoë quickly undressed, took her necklace off and bathed. Her hair was ok so that didn't get washed. She climbed out and dried herself. Just as she was going to put her dress on there was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" She called.
"It's me miss Zoë. Sebastian sent me." May-Rin was at the door.
"Come in."
May-Rin walked in and saw the dress on the bed.
"It's beautiful, yes it is."
"I love it."
Zoë changed and May-Rin fixed her hair so it was in a bun. She also put some black ribbon in it, leaving a long chain of it hanging. Just before May-Rin left Zoë saw the necklace on the bed and asked May-Rin to put it on.
"Where did this come from?" She asked.
"Ciel gave it to me this morning."
"It looks great on you. Like your part of the Phatomhive family."

May-Rin left and Zoë sat on the bed and thought about what May-Rin had said about being part of the Phatomhive family. She hadn't even been here for a month and she knew more now then she had learnt before arriving. There was another knock and this time it was Sebastian who came in,
"The dress fits then." He sounded pleased.
"It does. It's perfect."
"The guests shall be arriving soon. We better get going." Sebastian held out his arm and Zoë took it. They made their way to the gathering.

When they arrived Zoë saw that the room had been decorated with flowers and lights. Zoë saw Ciel, who was wearing blue. The best colour for him.
"The dress Sebastian chose looks good on you." He said.
"Sebastian picked this?" She didn't think Sebastian picked it.
"Of course. I see you're wearing the necklace I gave you."
"I want to wear it everyday before I go."
Before Ciel could say anything else, the servants walked in. May-Rin was wearing a midnight blue dress and the others were in black and blue suits.
"You look stunning miss Zoë." Finny said walking over.
"So do you. Black suits suit you."
"Thanks miss Zoë." He blushed slightly.

Shortly after Lizzy turned up in a red dress.
"Happy birthday." She handed Zoë a box and when Zoë looked inside there were some blue earrings.
"Thank you, these are beautiful."
Lizzy saw the necklace, "what's that?"
"It's my present from Ciel."
"The Phatomhive crest? I thought you were May-Rins cousin."
Oh yeah "I am. I guess he wanted me to have something to remember them by. When I go home, I'll never be able to return."
Just then two men walked in, they looked like they were India.
"Zoë this is prince soma and agni. They are friends of ours." Sebastian told her.
"Hello." The short one said.
"Nice to meet you."
Sebastian went off and shortly came back with a violin. He started to play and someone else walked in.
"Why are you here?" Ciel asked.
"I heard it's someone's birthday. Bassy didn't invite me."
"Evening Grell." Zoë said.

Lizzy made Ciel dance with her and prince soma and agni were also dancing. Grell didn't leave Sebastians side. Zoë needed a dance partner, she looked around and saw the perfect person.
"Finny, may I have this dance?"
This took Finny by surprise, "sure."
He took her hand and they started to dance around the room.

They danced for hours without realising it. At night the manor was calm, it didn't have it's morning silence and it didn't have the afternoon rush. As the sun set the manor got less crazy. The music stopped and Sebastian told everyone to go to the dining room for dinner. Baldroy and Sebastian had worked together to create the perfect birthday dinner. All of them sat at the table and enjoyed the food.

After dessert, Ciel had a dance with Zoë. It was only a short dance, Zoë preferred to dance with Finny. She didn't say anything though. After a dance or two with Ciel, Lizzy jumped in and stole Ciel away. Zoë didn't mind, she had her own dance partner. Zoë danced with May-Rin and Baldroy a couple of times, but for most of the night she danced with Finny.

As the moon rose in the sky prince soma and agni left, Grell not far behind. Lizzy stayed and danced with Ciel a little more until she basically fell asleep in his arms. Sebastian took Lizzy to the carriage that was waiting for her outside. Zoë said goodnight to Finny and the others before also running off to bed.
"You and Finny danced marvellously." Sebastian said to Zoë before she entered her room, "just be careful, you don't want to get too close."
Zoë closed the door, what Sebastian said was true. She couldn't get too close to Finny or any of them for that matter. It would be harder for them when she left. It was hard though, Zoë had started to develop feelings for Finny.
"No I can't. I could leave at any time, it would break his and my heart." Zoë took off the dress and changed. She removed the necklace and put it next to the bed. She quickly fell asleep.


"Finny, you and miss Zoë were dancing for most of the night." Baldroy said.
"I know, it was amazing."
"Be careful Finny. You don't want to get too close." May-Rin told him.
"Why not?" Finny asked.
"Because she can leave at any point. We don't know when she will go." They turned and saw Sebastian.
"I guess you are right." Finny stood up and left the room.
"Poor Finny." May-Rin said.
"Poor miss Zoë." Baldroy added.

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