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15th January 1890

The suspect had been identified and the three of them were standing outside of his home. It was early evening and the house seemed empty.
"He isn't home." Zoë said.
"No his home. Just hiding." Sebastian said leading the way. He opened the unlocked door and walked in. Ciel and Zoë followed and then Ciel took the lead.
"So who are we here to collect?" Zoë asked, keeping quiet.
"The artist was found dead in the early hours of this morning. But he didn't know everything or what he was panting with. The person behind the whole thing is who we are here for." Ciel told her.
"And who's that?"
"Aleistor Chamber or also known as viscount of Druitt. He has a passionate interest in black magic." Sebastian said as he followed them.

They walked a little more and came to some stairs that went down. It looked dark at the bottom, no light could be seen. They went down and Zoë became a little frightened, the unknown was her fear. It was cold, lucky she had her coat on. After a little longer in the darkness they saw a light at the end of the corridor. They sped up and reached a door.
"Let's go." Ciel whispered.
They slowly opened the door and saw that the room was empty.
"So you worked it out, what a clever little dog you are." They quickly turned and saw a man standing there. He was an extremely handsome man with lavender eyes and light blonde hair that shined like the sun. He wore elegant clothing which consisted of a white suit, a pocket square and an ascot tie, along with accessories such as a brooch and white gloves.
"Alesistor Chamber." Ciel said, "the man behind it all."
"You look rather dashing my little flower." He walked up to Zoë.
"Don't touch me." She threatened.
"Alesistor we are not hear to play games. We came to arrest you." Ciel said.
"Arrest me?" He took another step closer to Zoë, "you wouldn't, would you little flower."
"Stay back." Zoë took a step away from the approaching man.
He walked towards her and she backed up until her back was against the wall. She had no way of escaping him. Alesistor went to place his hand of her face when she grabbed it and started to squeeze.
"That is starting to hurt." He said, this made Zoë feel better and carried on squeezing until they heard a crack. Zoë had broken his hand.
"Not so much your little flower now. Am I?" Zoë pushed him to the ground.

Alesistor stood up and he did not look happy. He knocked Zoë to the ground and she hit her head causing her to black out.
"Sebastian, kill this man." Ciel ordered going over to Zoë making sure she wasn't bleeding.
"Yes my lord." Sebastian kicked Alesistor making him fall back to the floor. And before he could stand Sebastian sent a knife into the back of his head.
"What a marvellous sight that was." Grell walked in and started to harvest the soul of Alesistor. Zoë slowly opened her eyes and saw the reaper doing his job,
"What the fu.." She stopped herself "what is going on. What is this man doing?"
"Ah Zoë. Welcome back to the land of the humans." Sebastian said looking over, "Grell here is doing what he is supposed to do. For once."
"How are you feeling?" Ciel asked.
"Good." Zoë stood up like nothing happened, "I used to get in fights all the time. I'm used to getting knocked out."
"Let's get out of here." Ciel said.
They all left the building to see the moon high in the sky.

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