Running back

200 7 0

6th January 1890

Zoë ran away from the old shop and into town. She stopped and looked around and saw a sweet shop, inside were some lollipops from the Funtom company. She picked one up and took it to the counter.
"A funtom lolly, you have a good eye my lady. These are very popular."
"I've never had one before." Zoë said.
"Really? Well you're in for a treat they are the best."
"Would you expect any less from this company?"
The shop assistant gave a small laugh, "Of course not."
She paid and left the shop. Zoë put the sweet into her mouth and started to walk.

After half an hour she started to run again. She ended up in the forest close to the mansion and made her way through the trees. She tripped up a fallen branch and landed on her wrist.
"Fudge that hurt." She stood and looked at her dress. "Sugar I've ruined it." It was full of rips and was covered in mud and leaves. She brushed off what she could and continued to walk slowly without falling over or knocking her wrist.

It took a while but she made it and Ciel and Sebastian wasn't back. She walked in and May-Rin saw Zoë.
"Miss Zoë what happened? Where are the others?"
"I ran away. I tripped and fell."
"Let's clean you up before they get back."
Zoë bathed and washed out all of the mud from her hair, with May-Rins help because off of her wrist. She dried and put one her black skirt and red top. May-Rin found a bandage and wrapped up Zoës wrist.
"Thank you." Zoë gave May-Rin a hug
"You don't need to give me a hug miss Zoë."
"I know."

A little while later the others returned and Zoë went to great them.
"What are you wearing?" Ciel asked.
"I'm sorry Ciel. I know this is not the right thing to be wearing but the dress I was wearing got dirty and I had nothing to change into." Zoë apologised.
"What happened to your wrist?" Sebastian asked.
"I fell over and hurt it. May-Rin helped me though. Also the dress got ripped."
"It was old anyway." Ciel said, "you may keep that on for today. But after that, dresses."
"Yes Ciel."

Zoë trappedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ