New case (the paniting)

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13th January 1890

Zoë was woken by Sebastian like every morning and changed into another dress. Will I wear dresses when I return. Zoë left her room and went to eat breakfast with Ciel. When she arrived she saw Ciel looking unhappy, more than usual.
"Morning Ciel, whats the problem?"
"Morning Zoë. It's nothing that concern you."
"Ok. I understand. Work?"
"That's it."
When breakfast was served they ate in silence.
"What did you say you liked to do again?" Ciel asked Zoë.
"Reading, drawing, chess, trying new teas and going out."
"I may need you in my next case."
This made Zoë happy "really?"
"Yeah. You're in the library a lot so you know where all the books are. Also you should be able to state different colours."
"What is this new case?"
"There have been some murders in London. From what the queen has said after each person has been reported dead a new picture of a body part is found."
"Ok. How can I help?"
"I need you to look up artists in London. Sebastian can then speak to them, ask them questions."
"What about the paintings?"
"Me and Sebastian are going to take a look and see what we can work out. Once the artists have been questioned we'll show you."

Ciel gave Zoë a list of all the victims, there was two things in common. Aged between 10-17 and they were all of a high status.

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