A week later

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Zoë had come home and dyed her hair the same colour as Ciels. Zoës mother had taken her shopping as Zoë asked. Zoë threw most of her clothes and got a load of dresses. Zoë made her room tidy and kept it that way, there were times when she helped with dinner, cleaning and sometimes watered the neighbours plants. Zoë was a different person now. She told Anthony about losing her feelings for him and he understood. She stopped smoking, she thought it would of been harder but it wasn't.
"Mother can I talk to you?"
"Sure Zoë."
"I just want to say I'm sorry for all of the things I said to you before. It was wrong of me to treat you that way."
"I never thought I'd see the day you apologised to me."
"That makes me seem horrible."
"Sorry. Now I'm going to make dinner, you have helped me a lot this week. Take a break."
"Yes Seba... I mean mother."

After dinner Zoë went to her room and looked at the picture of Finny on her phone,
"Is that your favourite?" Zoë recognised that voice, she looked up.
"You left this at the manor." He handed her the necklace.

Zoë trappedWhere stories live. Discover now