Meeting Lizzy

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7th January 1890

Zoë woke up the next day and found her light green dress laying there for her. She changed and went to her bag. She found her phone which had 80% battery life. There were a few messages from her friends and mum, but when Zoë tried to reply she couldn't.
"You're awake." Sebastian said making Zoë jump.
"I could of been getting changed."
"But you wasn't."
"But I could of been. Anyway what do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, how could I help you Sebastian?"
"The young lord has a guest coming today. So make sure you behave, not only that you must be prepared she can be very demanding."
"I am well behaved."
Sebastian laughed and walked out, Zoë followed him to the dining room where breakfast was waiting.

At 12 a carriage pulled up and Zoë went to see who it was. But before she got to the door she heard it, the noise no one could forget.
Zoë ran to the library, as it was the closest, and closed the door. She was loud. Zoë made her bandage tighter and walked out, to be greeted by two large green eyes.
"Your dress is simply adorable."
"Thank you, I could say the same about yours. But I'm not a fan of pink."
"But pink is the most cutest colour." She paused "Who are you?"
"Lady Elizabeth, this is Zoë. She is May-Rins cousin and is staying as her parents are sick." Sebastian explained. Zoë tried to smile.
"What an adorable name. I'm Lizzy."
Lizzy was a young teenage girl with emerald green eyes. She had waist long golden hair worn in curly pigtails.
"Good afternoon Lizzy. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Come Elizabeth, Ciel is in the drawing room." Elizabeth ran off and before Sebastian followed he said "good job, keep it up."
"Yes Zoë."
"May-Rins cousin?"
"Just go along with it while she's here. And you better tell May-Rin."

"You're hair will look even more adorable like this." Lizzy was trying to put Zoës hair into a bun.
"I don't think it's working, let me to do." Zoë fixed it. "Better."
"Ladies we're going for a picnic." Sebastian came in.
"But it's cold outside." Zoë said looking out of the window "and it's snowing."
"You have a coat."

Zoë trappedWhere stories live. Discover now