[Chapter 33] Ash's First Birthday

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-Genny's POV-

Anthony's mom seemed to love having Ash over. Unfortunately, he wasn't asleep when I'd drop him off (it was his new thing to stay up late and push people's buttons, specifically my buttons). But that didn't upset Ms. Padilla, she grabbed him right out of the carrier and began to play with him, pulling out old toys she had for her children.

I think she just missed being a mom whose children needed her for things. And she was using Ash to fill that void.

But one day, there was a...complication, so to speak. It was Ash's First Birthday. Tiffany and I were planning things out over the phone a week before his actual birthday. Her side of the story hasn't been going well at all. Ian doesn't even talk to her anymore. She took it harder than usual.

"So, who do you think we should invite?" I inquired. "I want it to be small."

She seemed tired and or drunk, because she always was slurring her sentences. "Why not...just you and me? We don't...need anyone...else."

"Yeah, but I don't know if I should invite Anthony or Ia..."

"NO!" She shouted through the phone. I threw my phone down in shock of the loudness. From the speaker, I could hear her still screaming. "DON'T INVITE THOSE TWO DOUCHEBAGS! THEY'LL JUST CAUSE FUCKING TROUBLE."

I picked my phone up when I thought it was safe to. "Tiffany?"

"What." She replied moodily.

"I don't want to either. But Anthony's Ash's dad and..."

"So? He doesn't need to come. He yelled at you; he had no right to."


"No, Genny. You're not inviting them."

"What about Ian? He is my best guy friend!"

"Uh, if you invite that dick, I'm going to not show up."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, Tiffany. You don't have to talk to..."

"No! I refuse to be in the same room as him!"

I threw the pen I was holding in my hand at the wall and ended the call with her. I crossed my arms and sat with my legs towards my chest on the dining room chair.

I looked over at Ash who was playing with the buttons on the wii remote that must've fallen off of the mantle. I sighed. Why did he have to brought into the craziness I call my life? Hell, he caused all of it. But I'm not mad at him, it's me who can't find the power to love someone back.

"Hey, Ash!" I walked over and picked him up. "How about you and me go to the park and you can swing on the swings?" I needed a break and the park was one of Ash's favorite places.

He threw his arms up in the air and screamed, "SWING!"

I laughed and got my bag. We walked out of the apartment and down to the car. I put him in his seat and closed the door. My eyes glanced over to another couple, who was swinging their child in their arms. I turned around in jealousy and got in the driver's seat.


I ended up inviting Ian against Tiffany's requests. I didn't tell her though. So hopefully she'll stay once she's here.

The party was on a Sunday evening, because that's the only night I didn't have to go to work. I was putting a little party hat on Ash while Tiffany was rearranging the presents on the table. And shaking them to see what I got him.

The door knocked and Tiffany immediately jerked her head to the side. "Who could that be?"

"The pizza guy?" I asked as I got up. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Ian...with Anthony. My smile turned into a frown.

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