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-Dan's POV-

"Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah... you." I say under my breathe as I'm turning back towards the stove but apparently in not good at being quiet because I heard the scooting of a chair and I turned around to see Phil walking towards me.
"I'm the problem?" He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back.
"What the fuck man?"

"How am I the problem? You're the one that's being a bitch!" Then he shoved me again. So I shoved him back.
"Hey! Enough!" Meghan tried to get between us but Phil pushed her away. He pushed her so hard that she fell all the way down on the floor.
"Ow, dammmit phil!"
He looked down at her and looked surprised, like he didn't know his own strength.
"Um I didn't-"

"Get out." Meghan pointed out of the kitchen and straight towards the door.
"Meghan I-"

"I don't care. Something is wrong with you, and if you can't control it then you don't need to be in my house. You don't need to be around people. I'm trying to help but I can't do this if you're gonna act like this."
Phil turned to me as if looking for back up. I just turned my glaze toward the door. I didn't want him here either.
He stuck his hand out to Meghan, but she only pushed it away and got up on her own.
"Meghan I really am sorry."

"I don't care. You're gonna be sorry any time anything like this happens. That doesn't mean that it will never happen."

"Phil, you really should go."

"I'm also sorry to you-"


"Okay." He replied quietly.
He just walked right out the door. I had no idea where he was going or what he was going to do, but I felt guilty. What if he goes home and try's to kill himself again. I'll feel like it's my fault and Meghan will probably feel like it was hers. Even if he's a bitch, we still said that we'd take care of him.
"Well I suppose I have no business here. I'll go follow Phil around or something, make sure he doesn't get hit by a car."

"You don't have to, I can do it if you want."

"No, really, it's fine. I guess I'll be back later though. "
I grabbed my jacket and headed for the door.
Today was a crisp spring day and frankly, quite chilly. I didn't enjoy the cold weather much, and its funny because cold weather is all we have in England. Phil had a pretty significant start on me and I literally had no idea where he was, and since I'm no expert human tracker I relied on other people.

"Have you seen a really tall dude, about my height, with black hair, and really blue eyes."
The lady looked at me as if I was speaking Japanese. I raised my eyebrows to persuade her to answer the question.
"Oh well I wouldn't know dear, I haven't been here but for a couple minutes."
I was losing my patience. I had been down so may different streets, asking every living person if they've seen Phil. Everybody's answers were the same.

I know this is extremely short I'm sorry

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