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-Dan's POV-

Me and Phil didn't say anything for a while. We just sat there in silence trying to process the conversation. I had no idea that Phil had been this depressed for so long and I didn't really know that he still wanted to die. I wanted to help him, make him feel happy and worth something, but he didn't want my help. He was stubborn. After a couple of hours of just sitting there and doing nothing, I broke the silence.
"We should probably head over to Meghan's so we can catch a ride with her to the party."

"The party that I don't want to go to." He mumbled

"There's probably gonna be alcohol and loud music. Those sound like things that you like."

"Yeah those would be things I liked months ago. Brady and Zack are probably gonna be at the party anyways. Do you really want to go to that?"

"Well if it makes you feel better, than yes."

"But it won't make me feel better."

"You don't know that. C'mon, let's go."
We walked back to Meghan's house with an awkward silence between us. I get that he didn't want to go and he wasn't even supposed to have alcohol, but he obviously had some earlier so there was no stopping him whether he was at home or at a party.
We made it back to Meghan's a little after six and I was slightly anxious because I didn't know if this was a party that you were supposed to get to on time, or be fashionably late for.
I took the liberty of knocking on the door. She answered fast, probably because she was waiting around for us.

"Great! We'll get there just when the crazy stuff starts."

"What crazy stuff?" I ask timidly. I had never been to an actual party before. I had drank once or twice but never really been drunk. So I wasn't really sure what to expect. 

"Well Zoë, the girl who is throwing the party, has a huge house. So I mean there's like an orgy room upstairs and a weed/coke room and then ya know there's a bunch of drunk people and people just like having sex on the floor."

I really could not tell if she was joking or not.

"Oh, sounds fun."


Meghan was the only one talking during the car ride. She just kept rambling on about Zoë's party's in the past and crazy experiences she had, but I wasn't paying attention. Her voice just mixed in with the noises of the other cars. She also made me sit in the back with Phil because she thinks he might throw himself out of a moving vehicle or something.
"Dan! Are you listening!"
She must've been yelling at me for some time because her face was red and she looked frustrated.

"Okay this is important. Phil can have some alcohol, and it shouldn't hurt him, but do not, under any circumstances, give him cocaine."

"Why would I give him cocaine?" I don't know if I was ready to be around coke. 

"I don't know. But just don't let him have any because the pain killers he's on now, will like do weird chemical stuff with cocaine and it'll be bad."

"Will it kill me?" Phil chimed in, almost looking exited.
"No, stupid. It'll just cause you a bunch of unnecessary pain. And then you'll be in the hospital again."

"So what? Am I supposed to be his chaperone or something? Do I have to watch his every move?"

"No, just don't let him go into any room where you can't see him. Her house has cocaine, a balcony, and probably razor blades for the cocaine. All of those are really bad items and they don't mix with Phil."

"I think they mix pretty well."

"Shutup Phil!" Meghan was getting mad now. "Stop acting like your whole life is a joke. Your life matters to other people and if you want to kill yourself because you 'let other people down' that's BS! You're letting them down by killing yourself. Now stop being a selfish brat and let me talk."
Me and Phil went really quiet and you could almost hear Meghan's heavy breathing from the front seat.
"So let me rephrase my answer Dan. Yes, you will be a chaperone. And you, Phil, you will be a good little kid and you won't get in trouble or do drugs or beat people up. Kapeesh?"

"Kapeesh." Me and Phil whispered as we were pulling up to Zoë's house.
We ended up having to park really far down the street because cars were lined up in everywhere.
Zoë's house was a big, baby blue house with cute little white shutters on all the windows. It did not look like a party house to me, but that quickly changed when I stepped inside. All of the blinds were closed and the lights were dimmed. The house was really modern and fancy on the inside and didn't really need any party decorations because the house already had cool paintings and lava lamps and whatnot. It wasn't crowded inside, but there was a decent amount of people all just kinda standing around or dancing to the music.
We followed Meghan to the kitchen and watched as she like hugged everybody in there and started having conversations with them, while we were just awkwardly standing there. Meghan must've noticed our loneliness because she soon came over with somebody else.
"Okay so this is Dan and Phil and I brought them because they could both use a break."

"Hi, I'm Zoë."
Zoë was a shorter girl with really curly red hair and freckles that were splattered across her face.
"Hi, I'm Dan.. and this is Phil." I motioned to him, since I didn't think he was going to introduce himself. He just rolled his eyes and went back to looking aimlessly around the room.
"Okay.. Well you two look like you need a beer." She said cheerily and then bounced off to get us some.
I had never had more than one or two beers at once so I was hoping that I wouldn't be expected to drink a lot. Plus I had to stay sober to chaperone and keep Phil sober. I just kept getting more nervous though because I've never been drunk and I don't want my first time to be around a bunch of random people. What if I do something completely stupid that I regret. Or what if I do something stupid and don't even remember. 
"Dan? Are you feeling okay?"

"What?" Meghan was looking at me with concern and was feeling my forehead.
"Dan, you're sweating. Are you okay? Do you need to lay down?"

"I'm fine... but I don't think it's the best idea for me to be drinking right now."
I love accidental luck.
Zoë came back with two beers and I told her I didn't want one, so Phil took both. If Phil ever makes it to his fifties, he's gonna be in a hospital because he has too many health problems.
"Are you really gonna drink both of those?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't
"Yeah. And probably lots more. You made me come to this party, so I'm gonna drink if I want to."

"Yeah, I know. I just don't want you to like die or anything. Just please don't do anything stupid tonight."

"You're not my mom. If I wanna drink, I'm gonna drink. If I wanna smoke weed, I'm gonna smoke weed. If I want to have sex with ten different people, guess what? I'm gonna have sex with ten different people. You told me to try and have fun at his party and to try and unwind. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

Hey yall. I don't really have anything to say except thanks for reading :)

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