Chapter 24: We Need To Talk

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Pic of Ox and Coda as humans!!

Huge thanks to @julipop325 for an amazing message that really made me happy!! You rock and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!

Quinn POV

My eyes widened in surprise and fear at what Cooper had just told Devon and I. My brother was awake. I started to shake lightly with fear and Devon let out a low growl before pulling me into his side firmly. Burying my face into his shoulder I let out a deep breath and glanced up to see Ox and Coda looking at me with worry while they were both still in their small human forms.

Holding my arms out to them they ran to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I know that I thought they were just normal bears before but now that I knew they are bear shifters I am even more protective of them then I was before. They needed me now more then ever.

After a moment I pull back form them and look them over. "Can you two shift back?" I asked softly. For right now it would just be easier for everyone if they were in their bear forms and there would be a lot less explaining to do. Ox looked to Coda and they nodded at each other before they stepped away from me and I was soon looking at the two cubs. Nodding in appreciation I quickly stood and with another deep breath I turned and headed to the house.

Cooper had already retreated back into the house and as I entered the house I could feel Devon right on my heels and the cube padding softly after us. Making my way through the long hall I soon made it to the infirmary portion of the house to see the pack all standing around one door and none of them had happy looks on their faces.

When we had reached the group I stopped and looked to the door. "When did he wake up?" I asked softly to no one in particular with my eyes glued on the closed door.

"About ten minutes ago," Stephanie answered me with a hint of anger in her voice. "Jay is in there with him now and Carlyle is getting another earful from. You sure you want to talk to him?" she asked while looking at me with worry.

I nodded a yes and glanced up to Devon who was still standing behind me. "Will you come in with me?" I asked shyly.

"As if I would leave you in a room alone with him," Devon snorted while crossing his arms over his chest.

I gave a ghost of a smile and looked back to the door. Taking another deep breath I reached out to the door nob with a shaky hand and slowly twisted it. Ever so slowly I pushed the door open and the more I opened the door them more I could hear Jay's angry voice spilling out. Once the door was fully opened I stepped in to see my brother sitting up on a hospital bed with his eyes locked on his make who was fuming and going off on Carlyle.

"Of all the stupid things to do Carlyle you choose to attack your brother?!? We talked about this! It is wrong and just plain stupid!! It I attacked my younger brother every time he did something wrong then I wouldn't even have a younger brother!" Jay fumed with dramatic hand motions and a lot of eye rolling. "Like it or not, he is all you have left!"

I was touched that Jay would defend me like this and I was still shocked that Carlyle was just sitting there and just taking it all. They seemed to not notice us yet but their heads snapped up to us when Asher shut the door loudly.

Carlyle's eyes connected with mine and I had to restrain myself from stepping away from him in fear. Asher placed a supporting hand on my shoulder and I nodded thanks to him. Carlyle seemed frozen for a second and he seemed to snap out of it with a jolt. A look of anger crossed his face and he attempted to stand.

"Don't even think about it," Jay snarled to Carlyle as Devon growled lowly.

"Jay," Carlyle said sharply with his eyes never leaving mine, "Stay out of this. You don't know what he has done to me. He deserves this," he said in his thick accent and with some difficultly.

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