Chapter 1 Rewritten

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

The weather was warm and the skies were dotted with fluffy white clouds with a soft breeze, perfect for sailing. Two young teens were looking out over the ocean as their ship was about to depart from Whale Island to go to the Hunter Exam.

The two relaxed, watching the ocean together with the black haired-girl swinging her legs calmly over the side of the boat.

The black-haired girl was wearing a deep maroon sleeveless shirt with black bike shorts. She was wearing black ankle boots with black thigh high socks. Around her neck was a red scarf that was a gift from the boy standing next to her.

There was a commotion behind them as a young boy around the age of twelve, wearing green with a fishing rod shouted to the people of Whale Island; his home the two decided mentally, about coming back as the worlds' best hunter.

The men on the boat mocked him as the two friends ignored everyone around them, a man in a blue suit was doing the same as he continued to read his book.

The boy didn't look to be bothered as he walked past the two with his hands holding his backpack's straps. The blonde of the duo watched the young boy walk passed out the corner of his eye. The carefree air around the boy interested him, he was definitely going to keep his eye on the boy.

The girl next to him turned to him as if she heard his thoughts, "Hey Kurapika, that boy seems interesting, doesn't he?" She asked softly with a gently smile on her pale face, she had to admit she the boy had caught her eye as well.

The boy, Kurapika, nodded and smiled back with his free hand on her head. "I must admit he does; he seems very innocent. He reminds me a little of you Phoenix," Kurapika added as he rubbed her head before dropping his hand to his side again.

Phoenix only blinked curiously before turning her head to observe the boy again, trying to understand what her friend was talking about. Beside her Kurapika chuckled.

She looked around a bit before finding the boy in the crow's nest, looking down at the captain with a look of certainty, the birds going crazy in the air, "It's a huge storm that's coming!"

The captain looked doubtful, leading the boy to add, "It's true, I can tell from the smell!" The captain seemed to be searching the boy for something, finally finding what he was looking for he ordered everyone below deck and telling his sailors to get to work.

Later that night the ship was swaying violently in the hectic waves, all the men who were making fun of the young boy were all groaning and moaning from the seasickness.

'Karma!' Phoenix thought, smirking to herself as she sat at the end of the hammock, she was sharing with Kurapika. Phoenix absent mildly played with some loose threads on his pants as she watched the people in the room roll around with the waves amused.

Looking around Phoenix noticed the boy wasn't affected by the roughness of the sea and was even helping people with their seasickness. The man in the blue suit was sitting in the corner eating an apple, also not bothered by the roughness. Turning to Kurapika next she watched him read, his eyes showing his interests in the book he was reading.

Feeling someone staring at him Kurapika looked up and found Phoenix staring him with a distant look in her eyes. Kurapika knew the look was just her getting lost in thought and smiled secretly behind his book. Nudge her with his foot gently so he could snap her out of her thoughts.

Phoenix focused back on Kurapika when she felt his foot nudging her. Kurapika had an eyebrow raised, silently asking what she was thinking about but Phoenix only smiled cheekily back at him making him chuckle under his breath before going back to his book.

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