Chapter 8: Unwanted Attention

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Zoe's POV

"Good lord, its Harry Potter!"
Said the bartender, looking like he was about to kneel in Harry's feet and kiss his shoes. Everyone in the pub seemed to hear him. Seriously anyone can hear him, he was like, screaming Harry's name! They were suddenly quiet and gasps were heard in every corner of the pub.

"Bless my soul... Harry Potter what an honour" said the Bartender.

"Bless you" I muttered, hiding a laugh. Harry chuckled a little. 

Everyone's faces are priceless!! They were all wide-eyed, jaws dropping, some even stare at him like he's a hero or something. But that made me curious. They all seem to whisper and it seemed that they know Harry.

"You know any of them?" I whispered to Harry.
"No," he replied, "I'm pretty confused as well"

Everyone started gathering around us... Well... Gathering around Harry to be precise. They were trying to be so close to him that someone pushed me away from Harry and I ended up falling on the floor. I groaned and glared at their backs, hoping that a dagger would go out my eyes and stab them in the back. Did you think I was a nice girl? Well, I am nice... To people nice to me, and I become this bad, evil mode of me when I get pissed off or someone treats me like dirt. And sometimes, when I insult someone I get this weird monotone voice that annoys anyone. I actually find my monotone voice amusing-

"Are yeh alright Zoe?"
Hagrid asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I saw Hagrid giving me a hand and I gladly accepted it. When I stood up, I dusted the HUGE amount of dirt in my back and crossed my arms, pissed by the fact that I was pushed and got dirty.

"Come on Harry, lots ter buy" said Hagrid, loud enough for everyone to hear him. But they were too stubborn. I huffed my hair that was covering my face and walked to where the crowd was, pushing them a little hard so that they can give me a way. When I saw Harry, he looked like he wanted to get out of this place and never return again. When he saw me, I saw a glint of relief in his eyes and a face that told me that he needed my help... Yeah, I could help... But how? I just took a deep breath and went to Harry, maybe I can use a little charm to these people.

"Good day Everyone!!" I said happily. Everyone stopped interrogating Harry and they looked at me. I gave them the sweetest smile I could muster and spoke again.

"It's really nice meeting you all and Harry would LOVE to talk to you all... But we need to buy supplies for school. And we need to buy it now because school starts tomorrow. I hope that it's okay?"

They all stared at me for awhile, making me feel awkward, but then suddenly, a man spoke

"Of course m'lady! Anything for you! Did you know that I'm friends with the Minister of Magic?"

"That's nothing!" said another guy, "I created the most powerful potion ever"

"I can fly a broom while standing up with one foot!"

"I make the most amazing liver tarts!"

Then all the guys were telling me stuff I had no idea of. Why were they suddenly like this? They were so boastful! Finally, Hagrid pulled us away while the crowd of men were still telling stuff. Hagrid immediately closed the door and it suddenly became quiet. We were at the back of the pub, a little small, but it's better than being in there.

"What the bloody hell was that about?!" I asked, breathing heavily. It was seriously hot inside and it was getting difficult to breathe.

Hagrid smiled at me and said

"Yeh're a veela Zoe!"
"Uh... What's a veela?"

"They're witches tha' are really beautiful. They give off some aura tha' any man would do enythin' just to get yeh'r attention. That's why those men there were telling stories just to impress yeh"

I nodded slowly. I totally get it... I think?

"Hagrid, where will we buy these stuff?" Harry asked, pointing his paper with supplies.

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