Chapter 12: The Sorting Hat

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That fat pig was a piss off! I hate people who judge others just because they look like this and what not, I also hate people who think are higher than you. I mean, really? Before they became someone they were no one! They were in our feet before they felt successful! 

Still pissed at that stupid little thing that happened, I found our compartment and sat down, arms crossed.

"What took you so long?" asked Ron

"I went to a compartment with a new friend, talked for a while and left"

"Why do you look pissed?" it was Harry's turn to ask.

"Bumped into someone... Didn't even say sorry" I said, not completely lying. I mean I did bump into someone, and Malfoy didn't say sorry. Although that wasn't the reason why I was pissed.

After a few hours, the train finally came to a halt and everyone was going out of the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were out when we noticed a familiar, giant man with bushy hair.

"Hagrid!" Harry and I said.

"I'm sorry ter leave yer like tha'. I just forgot that I was needed somewhere else."

"Its okay Hagrid, we understand," Harry said, smiling at him.

"C'mon follow me. Any more firs' years? Mind yer step now! Firs' years follow me!"

All the first years including us were following Hagrid down on what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. It was so dark on either side of us that I thought that there must be thick trees that were surrounding us, not to mention that they were tall as well, as Hagrid's little light gave us a glimpse of the trees.

"Ye' all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec, jus' round this bend here."

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. And across it, visible from us, was a huge castle on top of a mountain, its windows sparkling up the starry sky, making it look much more beautiful.

Like the day I first saw Diagon Alley, I was gawking again. This is Hogwarts? Amazing!! It's so beautiful that I can't wait to get there!

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. The four of us sat on a boat, Harry and Ron supporting a lamp with a long stick for them to hold. Everyone found themselves in their boats and beamed at the castle excitedly.

"Right then... FORWARD!" Hagrid said, and the boats started moving all by themselves! Or at least it looked like it was.

"If I'm not mistaken, mer-people are the ones moving our boats?" I asked Hermione.

She nodded enthusiastically at my answer. "That's right Zoe! I'm glad I met you on the train. Now I know that I'm not the only one who read the books. So, have you finished reading them all?"

"I'm afraid not. Harry and I bought our supplies the day before the train ride to Hogwarts so I wasn't able to read them all. Although I've done a bit of light reading on the train for each book that I haven't read, just to be aware."

Hermione and I were talking about books and what we've read. As someone who loves to read books, talking about these certin things can make me unaware of my surroundings as I completely indulge myself in a world full of books.

The both of us stopped talking as we felt the boat halt. Every student climbed out of their boats and stepped on the ground as they went to Hagrid.

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