Chapter 23: Friendly Slytherins

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Zoe's POV
Today is a game of quidditch between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and Harry, isn't eating anything from his food.

"Harry, you should eat." I said, staring at his food.

"Yeah mate, you have a game today." Ron said while chewing his own food.

Harry looked pale as he stared at his own food.
"I'm not hungry"

Before we could tell Harry that he needs it, Professor Snape stopped at Harry.

"Good luck on your game in quidditch Mr. Potter. Seeing that you defeated a troll a game of quidditch should be easy. Even if it is against Slytherin."

He eyed as all one by one but when he met my eyes he stared at me. There was something in his eyes that I can't decipher, but it was gone when he walked limply to the table.

"That's why he was bleeding" Harry suddenly said, which gained our attention.

"What?" Hermione said, leaning close.

We all leaned close to Harry as he explained.
"Listen. Remember last night when we defeated the troll? I saw that Professor Snape was bleeding on his leg. I reckon that the troll was a distraction,"

"I reckon. Mountain trolls are too stupid to even get into Hogwarts" Ron said

"Exactly. Professor Snape let the troll in as a distraction so that he could get past that three-headed dog."

The 3 of them were thinking about what would Professor Snape want to get in that trapdoor while I was dumbfounded.

"Wait a second wait a second. You're saying that Professor Snape would go to all that trouble to get whatever it is in that trap door?"

He nodded.

"Do you have proof?" I asked. Harry is my best friend but making such assumptions to a Professor is wrong. There's something in me that says that Professor Snape wouldn't do that.

"Isn't the blood on his leg enough?"

"No. It can mean a lot of things! He could have fallen, a potion might have gone wrong, that can mean alot than going to the third floor corridor and get bitten by a three-headed dog."

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