Chapter 239

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"Lauren, are you sure you want to do this?" Caitlin asked her friend standing behind Lauren holding both the babies in her arms.

"Yes. I'm sure I want to do this. He's trying. He really is. I know he hasn't talked to her since he came back from Europe and he told me he started going to therapy. He went yesterday for the first time." Lauren explained. "I mean, I don't know how much effort he is putting into it, but one day it will click." she told her friend. "And tonight isn't about falling in love with him again. I just need to go out and possibly get really drunk with someone who I know for a fact will either never ever think of taking advantage of me or take advantage of me the exact way I want to be taken advantage of." she said raising her eye brow at her friend.

"Lauren! Not around your children!" Caitlin joked covering the babies dramatically.

"Well, you wouldn't be holding them if that hadn't happened..." she said brushing her teeth.

"Laur, if you're going to have sex like you did when y'alll first got together shouldn't you be on the pill again?" Caitlin asked concerned.

"I'm fine. I went to my sisters' doctor again and he said that my ovaries are still a mess and he was completely shocked when I told him I had twins. Plus, my plan is to get him really drunk so they won't even make it." she told her friend.

"I don't know, Lauren. You sound like you're 14 and don't think anything will happen." Caitlin said sitting down on the couch with her friend's children still in her arms. "They're perfect little babies but...."

"I will be fine, Cait! God. We'll use a condom if it makes you happy, mom." she joked running back into the bathroom. "I don't know about this dress..." she told herself ignoring her friend's comments running into the bedroom to look in her closet one last time before the door bell rang. "Shoot!" she said running into the living room with half a strapless dress on seeing Bruno standing in front of her wearing a deep navy suit with a white button up shirt underneath with his signature brown shined shoes. His hair sparkled with gel and was matted underneath a fedora. He smiled at her making her heart skip a beat the same way it always did, no matter how much he put her through he always managed to drive her crazy.

"Lauren?" he asked catching her stare.

"Oh, sorry. Zip me and I'll be ready." she said walking toward him turning around to let him zip the strapless dress up.

"There." he smiled kissing the back of her neck. "Perfect." he paused watching her turn around with a smile on her face. I haven't seen her smile like that since before Christmas. She's everything. It's taking me a lot not to just rip that dress off her right now and tell her how much I love her. "Where are my kids?"

"Over here." Caitlin yelled. "Come help meeee...." she pleaded making both Lauren and Bruno run to the room seeing Ezra almost falling off the changing table.

"Here.." Lauren said holding his arms down leaning down to talk to him. "Talk to him while you change him. It calms him down." she told her friend as she finished. Lauren picked him up, not noticing the baby food still on his shirt smearing it all over her dress. She talked to him completely unaware of what she had done handing him to Caitlin. "Okay. I think I'm ready." she said turning to see both Bruno and Caitlin burst out laughing at her. "Oh damnit. " she sighed moving her hand to her chest feeling the food. "We're going to be late. I don't have anything else.." she ran into the bathroom dabbing cold water on the dress to get the food off.

"Lauren..." she felt Bruno come up behind her wrapping his arms around her to dry off the water on her shirt. "It's just vegetables. It's gone." he said calmly with his heart against her chest calming her down without even knowing it. "Put on my jacket and you'll be fine. Take it off when you get hot. It's cute that way anyway..." he said handing her his black leather jacket that she loved wearing.

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