Chapter 257

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Bruno sat down in a black leather couch looking at his laptop trying to decide if he was going to look to see what, if anything, had showed up after Damaris and his encounter.

"What's going on, Bruno?" Phred asked sitting down next to him.

"I saw her again. It's a mess, again. It's like we took ten steps forward and twenty steps back all in like a matter of seconds." Bruno told his friend.

"Does Lauren know?" he asked.

"Yeah. I called her right away. But I just know. Something is going to happen." he answered. "I just know. After the show tonight...after I'm out of this bubble.."


Bruno peeked out the door to see several photographers waiting for him to come out of the building. "Dre...go tell them that I don't want to talk to anyone." he said to his bodyguard.

"Just walk behind me, bro. I gotchu." Dre told Bruno. "Don't hold my hand or anything.." he said feeling how tense Bruno was. "We're not dating."

"I get it!" Bruno half laughed stepping out hearing his name called from all different angles. Who is she? Are you getting a divorce? Where is Lauren? Is this who she was talking about the whole time? How do you feel? Who are you going to choose? What's going on? All the questions surrounding the last four hours of his life made him want to crawl into a hole with Lauren and hold her and tell her he was sorry for everything that was going on. I am so sorry that I ever talked to her. I'm sorry that I ever slept with her. You were right. It was all stupid. He go into the car reaching for his phone. I have to see what all this is... He instantly went to Perez Hilton. Not surprisingly at all, he scrolled past several posts to see

Bruno's other girl!

His wife filed for divorce the day he set a record at the Houston rodeo, but he's out to set another record, one for the longest lasting side relationship in recent history! Bruno has been spotted with model Damaris Ayala in the past and it was speculated that she was the reason behind the divorce, but there have been signs that the relationship has been trying to work things out.

@LaurenHolt: I love when I'm with you in your arms.

@BrunoMars It feels to be home in your arms

@LaurenHolt Sleeping in a full bed is so much better than that big empty bed without you next to me.

@BrunoMars Sangin to mah babyzzzzz

So what's going to happen next?

Bruno looked down at the screen trying to figure out exactly how he felt about everything that had just happened. He searched tweets with his name in them and even went to some other websites to read his fans reactions.

He is not who I thought he was.

I will never forgive him for what he did to her.

Look at that stupid hoe. What were they thinking?

Who is she even? She broke them up. They were perfect for each other. And the twins are so perfect. He looks so happy with them. I wonder if he's been faking all of it. I wonder how much of him we really know.

I won't ever know him. It's not something that will ever happen. I will never know Lauren or their children or their family. But I do know that they are human and not superheros like we make them out to be. They have their own fatal flaws. Unlike the rest of us we can see theirs. Theirs are out in the open, for the whole world to see. And all I hope for is the best for them. And especially for the babies.

Oh my god. What. I can't.


"I wasn't...." he said to himself after throwing his phone off to the side of the car seat. "fuck!" he said loudly to himself.

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