Chapter 273

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For the next week the couple went back and forth between Lauren's apartment and their home not really trying to make a final decision as to whether they were going to get a divocrce or not. It was the furthest things from their minds, or so they thought.

A few days after Memorial Day Bruno sat in the small waiting room of his therapist. He had fully accepted the time he had with the therapist and at times even enjoyed talking to someone who knew everything about what had happened recently but didn't yell or scream at him for all the things he had done. While waiting Bruno texted several different people making final decisions for the tour. "Bruno?" he heard his therapist Matt say a few seconds after sending his last text. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." he said standing up shaking Matt's hand.

"How have you been?" Matt asked closing the door behind them motioning to Bruno to sit down.

"I think I've been okay." Bruno said not very sure how to answer things.

"Are you unsure?" Matt questioned.

"No. I know I'm fine. I just don't really know..." he paused.

"What's on your mind?" Matt asked.

"The 22nd is soon. It's less than a month away. I just don't know what she's thinking. If she's playing me like I've played her so much and then she's just going to leave or if she's really wanting to do this." Bruno answered. "Because we still have so much other stuff going on. "Oh. Right. And I forgot to tell you last time. Well no, I guess this is the first time I've seen you since we found out that we're pregnant again..."

"Oh. You had said you weren't sure the last time we talked. And I remember you mentioning that you two got in a fight about it..." Matt clarified.

"I wasn't sure. I'm not sure now, really..." he started. "But I was talking to my mom right after I found out and she said that we're not 24 anymore and that it's not 2011 anymore. Even though we were adults we weren't acting like it. And we have children that rely on us more than anything in the world. And we have to realize that. And that's when it really hit me. It was dumb that I had to have my mother tell me that I have responsibilities, but that's when it really hit me. It just hit me hard. That this is the way it is and that no matter what it's what I have and I have to hold on to it." he told his therapist.

"So your mother really helped you see that Lauren, Everlee and Ezra and your new little one are all that matter in your life?" Matt summarized.

"I think that's about right." he said still trying to figure it all out. "And I give her the space that she needs to see if we're what she wants but all I want is her. I'm tired of waiting." he said frustrated. "I'm tired of playing her stupid games."

"What games is she playing?" Matt asked.

"The ones where I take care of her and the babies and then leave to do whatever it is I'm doing. I just want to keep her and not worry that the next time I see her she's going to say, 'No, i'm sorry. I think it's over.' And see her walk away from me again. I can't do it. Not after everything that we've gotten through."

"What do you think is going through her head right now, Bruno?" Matt asked.

"I think she's still doubtful. That there's something else out there that's going to hurt her again. But there's not. At least that I know of...."

"Have you told her how you feel?" Matt asked the easy question. "Have you shown her how you feel?"

"I don't think I've said it. But I don't want to push her anymore than I already have. And that's what drives me the most crazy. It's that I know what I want but I know what she needs. And she needs to decide for herself. And I can't make the decision for her..." Bruno explained.

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