Chapter 256

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"What the hell?" he asked looking at her with one of the angriest faces of his she had ever seen. He watched her finger go up to his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Don't yell. Just listen." she told him putting down her finger.

"You have five seconds." he told her looking at her tense face counting to five in his head before starting to turn around.

"Bruno!" she said pulling him back to her.

"We're done, Damaris. We're done." he said. "There's nothing else for us to talk about. We weren't supposed to work. We never were. It's Lauren I was looking for in the crowd when you were there, it was her smell, her smile, her hair, everything about her. And I'm sorry."

"So when she finds out about what's going to happen next you're still going to say it's all about her?" she asked looking him up and down trying to turn him on by emphasizing her small chest, short legs lengthened by heels and her enormously fake eyebrows. He watched her pin him against the wall of the apartment building feeling her lean in to kiss him deeply. Through the forced kiss he heard a click of a several cameras and several gasps. "I'll call you later, sexy." she winked at him turning around emphasizing the sound of her heels against the concrete floors. Bruno watched the handful of photographers snap pictures of him as he stood there shocked not answering any of the questions being thrown at him.

"I don't have anything to say." he finally got out opening the door to his grandmother's house.

"Bruno? Who is out there? No one is supposed to be here...." his grandmother asked.

"I need to talk to Lauren. Right now." he said almost shaking upset at Damaris.

"Is everything okay?" his grandmother asked.

"No." he said putting the phone up to his ear. "Lauren...answer the phone before you see anything...please..." he pleaded with the phone.

"Bruno? What's going on?" she asked him. "I'm on my way to meet with a client..."

"Whatever you see, Laur. Don't believe it. I swear. Nothing happened." he told her in a shaky voice.

"What are you talking about?" she asked confused.

"She came to abuela's house and she brought cameras with her and she kissed me and then left. And Elle, oh my god. I didn't have anything to do with it and it wasn't me. It was just..."

"Bruno. Calm down. I get it. She's a raging bitch. Karma will bite her in the ass one day. It's okay." she told him. This sounds like my Lauren. He thought to himself. She's not upset. She's not yelling. She's just listening to me.

"Lauren. I feel so horrible. Please forgive me." he continued to plead.

"You told me what happened, Brunz. Everything is okay. I promise you. I believe you. I trust you." she said without thinking about the last few words that came out of her mouth. Those last words surprised both of them.

"What?" he asked.

"I....I....I trust you. I trust you'll make the right decisions, Bruno." she finally calmed down. "It will be okay."

"I just don't want anything bad to happen, Lauren. Please don't let anything happen.." he said to her.

"Bruno..." she tried to figure out how she was going to say that she hoped nothing happened either. "I hope nothing happens. But if it does we'll get through it. This is the least of my worries." she told him getting into the car to go to her meeting. "I have to go, Brunito."

"I love you, Lauren." he said pulling the phone away from his cheek,

"I love you too." she said ending the call.

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